With our help you will see that knowing Where to Find Horse Deeds in Red Dead Redemption is easier than you think.
As its name suggests, Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare's Four Horses Challenge is no picnic. It's not hard in and of itself, but it is complex since it can take you hours or it might take you never.
Locating the Four Horses of the Apocalypse in Red Dead Redemption 1's Undead Nightmare is the essence of the Four Horses Challenge. Here they are: Death, War, Pestilence, and Famine, in case you haven't heard the tradition. There are legendary monsters in the game as well, and each have unique abilities and statistics that will make you cautious no matter where you go. Remember that RDR1 Undead Nightmare does really feature cheats that you can utilize if you're experiencing difficulty.
The Four Horses of the Apocalypse don't appear in any certain place, so tracking them down isn't exactly a walk in the park. Luckily, you can almost certainly locate them in certain places.
Keep an eye out for a blue-marked location that appears while you explore the map in Undead Nightmare if you want to complete the Four Horses Challenge.
In Red Dead Redemption, you won't find a specific spot to generate these powerful horses. Death can be caught anywhere on the map, unlike war, starvation, and pestilence, which each have their own specific states.
The Four Horses Challenge in Red Dead Redemption features five tiers. They aren't hard, but they are boring at times.
Keep in mind that the Horse Deeds (Blood Pacts) cannot be obtained until you have finished Rank 5. Be careful not to break in another horse or let these magnificent steeds perish, despite their excellent health. For the time being, you'll need to resort to using regular mounts if you do that.
Embark on a quest through New Austin in search of War. While its exact whereabouts are unknown, it is most commonly seen in the following areas of this state:
Red Dead Redemption's Undead can be set ablaze when you ride War through them. Although you should expect them to perish most of the time, you might have to manually kill them occasionally.
In RDR1, this legendary beast is distinct from War Horse. The second horse is no longer the default, but it's still a remarkable mount with great health, stamina, and speed.
In order to get Famine in Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare, you must journey to Mexico. It is highly probable that you will succeed on your very first attempt if you focus on the following locations and their environs:
Compared to the other Apocalypse Horses, Famine isn't very effective in combat in Red Dead Redemption. The fact that it is the fastest among its competitors is a silver lining, even though the performance gap isn't huge.
Investigate Tall Trees and the surrounding West Elizabeth region if you wish to subdue Pestilence. You might have to go a ways before you encounter one, as its spawn position is somewhat random, just like the others. You can start by taking a look at these points of interest:
North of the Great Plains and Black Water, Tall Trees, Marston Homestead, Beecher's Hope, Wreck of the Serendipity, and Taming Pestilence in RDR1 Undead Nightmare provide you a defensive edge. In the later game levels and when clearing towns, its high health and near-impossibility to kill stats will be useful. On top of that, it stuns the undead upon touch. Because of this, you have a brief window of opportunity to either flee or neutralize them.
In Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare, Death is usually the last unique horse you'll train. It might be preceded by War, Famine, and Pestilence when you explore the map.
It differs in that it does not have a fixed spawn point but can be located anywhere on the map. Be vigilant while you peruse the campaign's listed places of interest, as well as those for the other steeds. Finding it will likely not be as challenging as finding the Sasquatch in RDR1's Undead Nightmare.
Fear not if Death remains elusive. The Blood Pact will be yours once you complete "On A Pale Horse," the last task in Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare.
That's all for Where to Find Horse Deeds in Red Dead Redemption, you just have to follow the instructions to progress in this amazing game.