Hoje trazemos para você um guia explicativo sobre a melhor construção de Monge em Baldur’s Gate 3 com detalhes precisos.
Em Baldur's Gate 3, a classe Monk tem opções limitadas de armas e armaduras, mas seus ataques desarmados causam muito dano por causa de seus bônus. Como um personagem de suporte, eles podem ajudar seu grupo causando dano a muitos oponentes de uma vez ou atordoando alvos selecionados.
Mas sem a build certa, esses personagens podem não parecer a melhor opção quando se trata de lutar. Há algumas coisas para pensar sobre seu personagem se você deseja fazer bom uso do Monge. Antes de começar a planejar a composição do seu grupo, considere seu estilo de jogo, como você quer usar suas habilidades e as classes de cada membro. Este guia o guiará por todo o processo de criação de um Monge em Baldur's Gate 3.
Embora monges não sejam a classe mais poderosa, a melhor build de Monge em Baldur's Gate 3 faz uso do talento Tavern Brawler, transformando-os em um míssil de busca de calor digno. Quando seu personagem usa o talento Tavern Brawler, ele pode adicionar seu modificador de Força duas vezes às suas jogadas de ataque desarmado, esteja ele usando armas improvisadas ou jogando algo em um alvo. Embora Força não seja a melhor escolha para as estatísticas de um Monge, ela ainda pode ser utilizada. Embora você sacrifique várias outras estatísticas em troca de Destreza, a melhor estatística para Monges, vale a pena.
Você pode causar dano consistentemente alto a qualquer alvo ao escolher o talento Tavern Brawler em um Monk de alta Força. Com cada soco, você ganha um aumento gigantesco em jogadas de ataque e dano.
Devemos estabelecer certas diretrizes antes de prosseguir com a construção.
Podemos descartar multiclasse. Apesar de sua aversão geral por multiclasse, o Monge pode realmente colher certos benefícios disso. Esse sistema torna uma build mais complicada e dá a ela rótulos estranhos. Uma build de Monge ainda é possível se eu for para Rogue Four a partir de Monge Four? Vamos fingir por um segundo que desejamos equipar Monge com todos os doze níveis.
Qualquer um pode se juntar a nós. Boa cura e amigos confiáveis nas linhas de frente são os aliados ideais para o monge. Os aliados do monge, como Karlach, podem suportar dano e mantê-los vivos, enquanto Shadowheart, com suas habilidades de Cura e Duplicidade, pode fornecer buffs e mantê-los engajados na batalha. Gostamos tanto de Gale que o mantemos por perto. Além disso, precisamos dos Magos do nosso lado. Mesmo assim, podemos nos encontrar na campanha de Baldur's Gate 3 precisando nos transformar em falantes, como Wyll ou Astarion, para ajudar com problemas sociais.
Here we are, bespoke characters. A personalized monk will give us more leeway than a generic one, even though it is technically possible to have any Origin character become a monk. Sure, the Dark Urge can begin as a Monk, but we're more partial to the background possibilities when it comes to customization. However, a Brawling Monk from the Dark Urge Tavern is a perfect fit for the theme.
A proper understanding of the role of the Monk in a Baldur's Gate 3 party is necessary before moving forward with the construction. The Monk is an above-average crowd controller who deals damage to a single target. Short Rests are the Monk's lifeblood, just as they are for the Warlock. This is due to the fact that when they sleep, their Ki pool replenishes, granting them the ability to do miraculous feats.
Due to the Monk's similarities with the Rogue, many players have shied away from considering it a real alternative. You might be perplexed by the Rogue's incredible sneak attack damage, which occurs outside of combat. Since monks focus mostly on melee combat, they aren't very useful in a party setting where rogues are present.
The solution is found in the Monk's journey to level four. With low HP and average AC up until that point, the Monk is a passable damage dealer. However, we will raise our hands in a show of unity once we attain that celestial stage.
Our beginning ability scores are as follows, despite our intention to become tavern brawler:
Because we are in dire need of that additional health, our race shall be the Gold Dwarf. We choose Street Urchin because you'll most likely be the group's lockpicker, even though our background isn't really noteworthy.
Because we plan to use Withers, who can respec our ability scores to something more favorable in the midgame, we begin with a high Dexterity score and almost no Strength. By the end of the game, we have a high Strength score. Our plan is to make it through the first three levels unscathed so that we may transfer to Tavern Brawler after we've paid the 100 gold charge. When everything else fails, the monk uses AC, movement speed, or health as payment.
In order to accomplish our goals, you must transform your character into a Gold Dwarf. The Gold Dwarf gains one life point at creation and an additional one for each level earned; our favorite version of the Tavern Brawler Monk is the one that sacrifices Constitution the most.
Another good option for the Monk is the Wood Elf, who has a far better chance of reaching their goals in a respectable length of time. Their additional movement speed ensures that you can reach targets without using Ki or actions on anything else, and their perception competence makes them valuable.
Numerous abilities, useful both in and out of battle, are at the Monk's disposal. We suggest the Street Urchin Background if you want to acquire some unique abilities that the Monk class doesn't come with. These abilities will enhance your character's usefulness before battles begin in Baldur's Gate 3.
Thanks to Athletics (from Monk), our defenseless comrade has access to a massive jumping arc and a respectable opportunity to shove. When we need it, the jump greatly increases our mobility, and pushing can win some monster fights on its own.
The Monk becomes slightly more valuable in conversations after receiving insight. Having good insight can allow you to get away with murder if you are compelled to be the center of attention during a conversation during this build.
You can play the role of a party rogue and help your teammates get what they need with Sleight of Hand (found in Street Urchin).
When you need to cover your tracks before an altercation breaks out, Stealth (from Street Urchin) enhances your vision cones.
For a monk with Tavern Brawler abilities, the optimal scores for increased mobility and crowd management at the expense of AC are:
Articles of Confederation:
If you choose to live like a monk and avoid armor, this set of skill scores will serve you well. In comparison to the default Monk build, you have one less AC, however the late-game glove Gloves of Dexterity can restore some of that lost AC. Being consistent with Way of the Open Hand and Stunning Strike requires you to keep your Ki saving throw DC fairly high.
Yet, it's worth noting that our Constitution is a solid 10. Given that the Monk's HP is equal to a Bard's, that's a huge issue. The Monk may not be a tank for other party members, but they still have to fight close quarters with any enemy because they have to get closer to their objectives. Unlike Rogues, Monks do not possess dependable disengagement that enables them to consistently evade enemies. Be careful not to leave your Monks too vulnerable to an attack, and stick close to your hefty, frontline comrades. Remember to have a Cleric on hand in case you need any last-minute healing.
Just so you know, your tooltips might mislead you into thinking you're utilizing Dexterity for unarmed attacks when you switch to Strength. If you look at the Combat Log, you'll discover that the computer is simply puzzled. As long as it's higher, you're employing Strength.
In combat, you can employ the following for a slightly safer but less effective build:
The possibilities for Wood Half-Elf, Githyanki, or multiclass are covered by this set of ability scores. In the end, Armor just need 14 Dexterity to do its job. You won't need Dexterity or Wisdom to keep your Monk's AC high with this build, but they'll be significantly slower. Your Ki talents aren't always reliable, though, because your low Wisdom gives them a low saving throw DC.
At level three, regardless of your build, you should take the Way of the Open Hand subclass. The Way of the Open Hand enables us to spam Flurry of Blows every round while also pushing or knocking opponents prone, which is our sole objective as this class. Our low Wisdom variety isn't immune to our constant trip spamming. As you progress, you'll unlock healing, more Ki, and, finally, entrance to Sanctuary.
All three subclasses work well with the build's high Wisdom variant. A variety of concealment options, as well as benefits from Flurries and extraordinary agility, are available in Way of Shadow. With the help of the Four Elements, we may increase the range and damage of our unarmed assaults and unlock new options for controlling large groups of people. While the Way of the Four Elements isn't the best option in Baldur's Gate 3, it's a good choice for Monks who want to employ elemental abilities and spells frequently.
The problem is that we gain an advantage from a stronger Flurry of Blows because our gameplay is based on spamming it. It would be irresponsible to pass up the opportunity to knock people down in preparation for the next round of unarmed strikes. While there are more beneficial ways to use Ki, they detract from our main strategy for fixing problems, which is to punch a hole through their chests.
The success of this strategy depends on our ability to quickly acquire Tavern Brawler. Your level four feat will always remain that. After that, things start to heat up and new abilities become available to us, but we still have limited choices when it comes to protecting our Monk from harm during this challenging campaign.
The fact that Tavern Brawler grants a +1 boost to Strength or Constitution was omitted by Larian in the tooltip for the item. With that, we reach 18 Strength.
Strength gives us far too much to stop at 18. We require that at 20 minutes from now, therefore the armored build should proceed without delay. But by level eight, you should be able to locate the merchant in the Last Light Inn selling The Mighty Cloth, an item of clothing that increases Strength by two, perfect for our unarmored companions. On the other hand, we can reach 20 Strength by using the Potion of Everlasting Vigor from Act Two.
We can put these to good use, but they are usually given to barbarians. Then we can pretend to take hits occasionally by bailing onto Tough. For us, putting four points into the Constitution is the same as going tough at level four. We'll simply mash anything that can trigger a CON save, even if this will lower our saving throw. As an additional strong option, Sentinel allows you to utilize your Monk's reaction to keep opponents from fleeing and safeguards important party members.
After that, at level 12, we're spoiled for choice. If we come across another article of armor or apparel, like Viconia's Priestess Robe, that strikes our fancy, we can simply add two points to Strength. We can take Durable instead of Auntie Ethel's plus-one for the Armored variation, though. It would be a significant improvement if our Constitution were rounded up to 16. If your character has to make critical saving throws, ability checks, or avoid lethal critical hits in late-game confrontations, Lucky is a good pick. On the other hand, a +2 to Wisdom or Constitution is always welcome.
Tavern Brawler, Tough, and Plus-Two Wisdom were the stats we used for our basic construct. Thanks to this configuration, our Dwarf has a healthy amount of health to begin Act Two, a +10 bonus to attack and damage rolls when using fists, and quite good save DCs while using Ki attacks. A powerful cloth was obtained by the monk as Karlach took the Everlasting Vigor potion.
Regrettably, at the moment, there are limited choices for increasing Wisdom, therefore he is stuck at level 18.
Some magical artifacts that you should be wary of have previously been discussed. Other garments, like as Viconia's Priestess Robe, offer superior durability, but the Mighty Cloth offers a sustainable boost to stats that allows him to explore other feat alternatives. We need to maintain a watch on a couple of enchanted objects.
If you want to increase your AC, gloves like Dexterity Gloves or Bracers of Defense are a fantastic choice.
Gloves of Soul Catching and Seraphic Pugilist are two gloves that can enhance your damage dealing abilities. When using the Tavern Brawler, make sure your AC is balanced with your damage.
The Gloves of Hill Giant Strength, which increase your Strength to 24, are a viable option for this build. Six-point Strength is a lot. Constitution and a little amount of Dexterity can also be enhanced in this way. But the House of Hope has this item, and it's endgame.
Since Bonespike Boots greatly increase an unarmored character's defenses, your Monk will probably be their sole defender.
For damage-dealing Monks, the ideal boots are Boots of Uninhibited Kushigo, which grant Wisdom to unarmed damage strikes. Your tens are now thirteens or fourteens.
A Protective Veil is a wise choice in any situation. Nevertheless, you won't be able to access the Cloak of Displacement until you reach Wyrm's Crossing, but it can offer crucial moments that shield your Monk from attack rolls.
Though your entire team will fight for it, the Amulet of Greater Health is a wonderful possession to have. If you happen to lose the 23 Constitution conversation, the Amulet of the Windrider will serve you well in terms of mobility.
A Monk would benefit greatly from rings that increase Movement Speed, like as the Emerald Ring. If you want to enhance your AC and saving throws like a frontline mushy character like you, take the Sacred Idol and earn the Ring of Protection.
Remember these two main points about the Tavern Brawler. To start, you're quite consistent in doing high damage. The Mighty Cloth, the Everlasting Potion of Vigor, or level eight grants your fists a +13 bonus to attack rolls and a +10 bonus to damage, even when you don't have any weapons.
Assuming you don't have any consumables or Gloves of Soul Catching active, your typical round consists of approaching your opponent and activating Flurry of Blows, dealing damage of up to 60. Hit foes with moderate health for easy single-target damage while Hasted or stun them in a vulnerable posture for Stunning Strike.
Second, keep in mind that the AI will target you more frequently if your AC is low and your health is low at the same time. Deflect Arrows, which reduces ranged damage, or Relentless Striking Karlach, which may lure the AI away from you, are two possible solutions to this problem. Furthermore, Shadowheart can be targeted by the spell Warding Bond, which increases your defenses and causes her to absorb half of the damage you deal. On the other hand, you can reward your party members who are in somewhat better health with things like True Love's Embrace.
Você pode eliminar rapidamente um alvo prioritário usando Invisibilidade para se aproximar dele. Embora você não tenha as habilidades de assassino Rogue, você ainda pode causar danos incríveis em apenas uma rodada de combate. A primeira pessoa que você encontrar pode ser severamente danificada se você conseguir acertar a Surpresa nela. O próximo passo é tentar usar esse momento para controlar a multidão de criaturas que você pode alcançar com uma ação de movimento.
Seu Monge deve permanecer perto do grupo o tempo todo. Seu Monge se tornar um alvo fácil porque está muito longe dos amigos é um problema comum. Se você posicioná-lo perto de seus personagens de suporte ou linha de frente, o Monge pode derrotar rapidamente vários oponentes.
Por fim, agora que conhecemos a melhor build de Monge em Baldur’s Gate 3, só nos resta fazê-la seguindo estas instruções para aproveitar ao máximo este ótimo jogo.