Como desbloquear todos os personagens em Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes

por 2024-04-23 10:56:10

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<div> <b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Desta vez voltamos com um guia explicativo com o objetivo de orientar você sobre como desbloquear todos os personagens em Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes.</font></font></b> </div> <div> <br> </div> <h2><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">O que saber sobre os personagens de Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes?</font></font></h2> <div> <br> </div> <div><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Existem 120 personagens que você pode recrutar. Pode parecer uma tarefa difícil, mas com o guia certo poderemos obtê-los todos facilmente. Embora alguns personagens sejam adquiridos ao longo da história principal, a maioria exige que você complete missões desafiadoras, explore o mundo e até mesmo derrote monstros opcionais difíceis. Se estamos lutando para preencher nosso QG com aliados confiáveis, não procure mais. Aqui vamos te contar como desbloquear todos os personagens em Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes e para isso o seguinte conteúdo, vamos ver. </font></font></div> <div> <br> </div> <h2><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Como desbloquear todos os personagens em Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes?</font></font></h2> <div> <br> </div> <div> <br> </div>

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<div><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Serão apresentados os detalhes para desbloquear cada um dos personagens do jogo e são os seguintes: </font></font></div> <div> <br> </div> <div> <ul> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Nowa</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Desbloqueado automaticamente.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Garr</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Desbloqueado automaticamente.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Lian</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Desbloqueado automaticamente.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Mio</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Jogável no início, mas desaparece. Mais tarde, ele se torna totalmente jogável durante a história principal após o incidente na vila de Nowa.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Mellore</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Chegue ao centro de Eltisweiss e ative sua cena. Siga-o até Redthroat Ridge, localizado na extremidade direita do mapa mundial, fora de Eltisweiss. Complete Redthroat Ridge e derrote o chefe final para recrutar Mellore.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Iugo</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Visite a taverna no lado leste de Eltisweiss e fale com Iugo.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Yusuke</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Vá para Fort Xialuke e aproxime-se de Yusuke, que está cercado por guardas. Escolha "Bem-vindo às fileiras" para recrutá-lo.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kuroto</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Viaje para Altverden Village e fale com Kuroto, selecionando “Estou procurando aliados firmes”. Então, vá para Redthroat Ridge e derrote três javalis. Esta missão também pode ser concluída enquanto se trabalha na missão Mellore; Não há necessidade de retornar a Redthroat Ridge novamente.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Francesca</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Para localizar Kuroto na rua atrás de seu local de recrutamento, siga suas exclamações altas e converse com ela. Após a discussão acalorada, ela opta pela opção “Você tem lugar conosco”.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kogen</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Complete a masmorra Abandoned Mine e permaneça em silêncio ao decidir o destino de Kogen. Ele se juntará ao seu grupo após o cerco de Eltisweiss.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Sabine</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Avance pela história principal até chegar a Eltisweiss após o incidente na vila de Nowa. Ela se tornará automaticamente um membro do grupo.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ymir</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Complete com sucesso o Cerco de Eltisweiss e ela se juntará a você nas minas.</font></font></li> <li><b>Sumire</b>: Successfully complete the Siege of Eltisweiss and she will join your party in the mines.</li> <li><b>Cassandra</b>: Successfully complete the Siege of Eltisweiss and she will join you in the mines.</li> <li><b>Yuthus</b>: Successfully complete the Siege of Eltisweiss and he will join you in the mines.</li> <li><b>Zabi</b>: Successfully complete the Siege of Eltisweiss and he will become a member of your party in the mines.</li> <li><b>Gocteau</b>: Unlock the headquarters by progressing further into the main story, shortly after the siege of Eltisweiss.</li> <li><b>Iris</b>: Unlock the headquarters by progressing through the main story, shortly after the siege of Eltisweiss.</li> <li><b>Caine</b>: Unlock the headquarters following the main story, shortly after the siege of Eltisweiss.</li> <li><b>Martha</b>: Leave the headquarters and head east to find her near the farm. Start a dialogue with her and she will join your party. This will unlock the HQ pastures.</li> <li><b>Kerrin</b>: Head to the Dappled Forest and approach her cabin to talk to her. Then, bring him 20 pieces of wood. Wood can be purchased in the forest or in Bounty Hill. Recruiting her unlocks the lumber yard in your headquarters.</li> <li><b>Wyler</b>: Head to Bounty Hill and help him search for his sister.</li> <li><b>Marin</b>: Complete Wyler's task on Bounty Hill. He is an exceptional support character that improves the performance of collected materials. She uses it to obtain resources in the world.</li> <li><b>Gieran</b>: Travel to Greatwood (East) and talk to him. She retrieves the Rune of Conservation and returns it to him. You can obtain the rune by defeating the boss at the entrance to Treefolk Village.</li> <li><b>Kallathor</b>: Embark on a challenging journey through the Proving Grounds dungeon.</li> <li><b>Marisa</b>: She joins the ranks of playable characters within Proving Grounds, only to disappear into thin air. Marisa's full potential as a player character is unlocked once you make significant progress in the main story, which leads her to your headquarters.</li> <li><b>Garoo</b>: In the midst of the challenges of the Proving Grounds dungeon, Garoo becomes a playable character, but his presence is fleeting. Only after completing pivotal milestones in the main story and welcoming him to his headquarters does he truly become an essential member of his team.</li> <li><b>Galdorf</b>: To meet Galdorf, return to the Abandoned Mines entrance and offer him a Palenight Mail. This coveted item can be found in the Proving Grounds or at the end of the treacherous Abandoned Mines, which can be accessed through your headquarters.</li> <li><b>Falward</b>: Within the boundaries of the Altverden Church, seek out Falward and strike up a conversation. Bring him a batch of 15 healing herbs to gain his favor.</li> <li><b>Gigina</b>: At the entrance to Arenside, look for Gigina and talk to her. Open the door to the bustling city where you can buy supplies and equipment for your trip.</li> <li><b>Glen</b>: Play a strategic card game with Glen in Arenside and emerge victorious to unlock the fun mini-game.</li> <li><b>Pieter</b>: Head to Werne and engage Pieter near the fields. Unlock the farm at your headquarters by showing your dedication and ingenuity.</li> <li><b>Frida</b>: In the bustling tent city of Werne, find Frida and interact with her. Unlock the trusty armor shop in your headquarters through this encounter.</li> <li><b>Maureus</b>: At the far end of Mountain Pass, you will find Maureus. He looks for someone with exceptional Muscle Points to join his cause, which denotes Magic Points. Bring a character with 300 magic points to successfully recruit them.</li> <li><b>Yume</b>: Travel to Werne and talk to the old woman near the entrance. She will request your help to find Yume. Look for her in Redthroat Ridge and recruit her, becoming the first "big hitter" to occupy two spots in your lineup.</li> <li><b>Hiro</b>: After establishing your headquarters, return to the midpoint of the dangerous Abandoned Mines to meet Hiro. Unlock the item/tool shop in your HQ through this encounter.</li> <li><b>Chron</b>: Acquire level 2 for your headquarters and head to the entrance to locate it. Unlock the achievement guild.</li> <li><b>Squash</b>: Retrieve a Sparklestone and bring it back to Treefolk Village. You can get a Sparklestone by defeating Phantombirds in Dappled Forest.</li> <li><b>Mariette</b>: Retrieve the amulet from her. This can be achieved by returning to Greatwood (South) and moving forward until you encounter a Rabbit Archwitch. The amulet will be contained within the chest on the battlefield; Use the cheat action to unlock it.</li> <li><b>Pastole</b>: Travel to Twinhorne (East) and talk to him next to the potion merchant. Unlock the hunting cabin in your headquarters.</li> <li><b>Carrie</b>: Find her at Hishahn; she will manifest out of nowhere and leave. After meeting her three times in the city, he will join the group. Unlock fast travel.</li> <li><b>Kurtz</b>: Find it at Hishahn; He will ask you to find a legendary dish that only the descendants of "barks" know about. Return to Treefolk Village and talk to the Treefolk NPC next to the trading house to get the recipe. Return to Kurtz and present the recipe to him. Unlock the restaurant at your headquarters.</li> <li><b>Huang</b>: Find out at Hishahn. Catch a bream. This elusive fish can be found at the fishing spot next to Seaside Cavern. Unlock fishing spots at your headquarters.</li> <li><b>Riufan</b>: Look for him in Hishahn and visit him again once you've gotten "stronger." You must reach level 35 and then defeat Riufan in a one-on-one battle.</li> <li><b>Perrielle</b>: Joins following the main story and reaching Hishahn. You can locate it at the inn.</li> <li><b>Janquis</b>: Joins by following the main story and reaching Hishahn. You can find it at the inn.</li> <li><b>Code L</b>: Retrieve a Rune of Currents and return to Daphan Village. You can acquire the rune by defeating Paguarian, a boss within the Old Town of Hishahn, which is part of the main story.</li> <li><b>Hakugin</b>: Talk to her in Daphan Village while Mio is in your party.</li> <li><b>Hildi</b>: Embark on the main narrative until you reach the headquarters behind the defense of Euchrisse.</li> <li><b>Melridge</b>: Continue the main story until you reach the headquarters after successfully defending Euchrisse.</li> <li><b>Barnard</b>: Follow the main story until you reach the headquarters after safeguarding Euchrisse.</li> <li><b>Seign</b>: Continue the main story until you reach the headquarters after protecting Euchrisse.</li> <li><b>Pohl</b>: Continue with the main story until you reach the headquarters after defending yourself from Euchrisse.</li> <li><b>Valentin</b>: Stay firm in the main plot until you reach the headquarters after protecting yourself from Euchrisse.</li> <li><b>Air</b>: Discover his whereabouts in Hishahn. Improve your haste stat to be able to recruit her. During my conversation with her, she possessed a 150+ speed stat in Nowa, which seems to be the prerequisite for acquiring it.</li> <li><b>Syd</b>: Locate him in Hishahn. Bring one of each: Iron Ore, Mystic Wood, and Dire Beast Bone.</li> <li><b>Faye</b>: Activate her scene inside your headquarters; turn left after leaving the main hall. She traverses the highest section of the citadel and locate her conversing with Yusuke. AND This can only be achieved after building the B'baba facility. After Faye runs away once again, she returns to B'baba, and she will tell you to talk to Francesca in the infirmary on the first level of the castle. Faye will escape once again, she will head to B'baba's compound one last time and then proceed to the second level of the castle and chat with Faye who is standing next to Yume.</li> <li><b>B'baba</b>: After triggering Faye's cutscene, some guards advise approaching B'baba. She travels to Daphan Village to meet her at her shop and she will join you. You can use her facilities to meet new allies and those you have recruited. This feature is particularly useful for discovering new characters.</li> <li><b>Lam</b>: Talk to her in Daphan Village while Riufan is part of your party.</li> <li><b>Paquia</b>: Head to Arenside and talk to her. She will ask for five eggs. You can get normal eggs by defeating the Eggfoot creatures outside your headquarters. Unlock the race track at your headquarters.</li> <li><b>Mandie</b>: After successfully recruiting Paquia, Mandie joins your team. You can find it on the far right of Eltisweiss. As his first task, he needs your help to find a black cat in the city. To locate the elusive feline, head to the left corner of the city. Once you find the cat, Mandie will reward you with a New Nevaeh Seal Card.</li> <li><b>Isha</b>: Next, she will task you with collecting Cockatrice eggs from the Mountain Pass. Walk around the pass until an adult Cockatrice appears. Use the trick to open the chest and retrieve the eggs. Return the eggs to Mandie and she will assign you another&nbsp;task: deliver a package to Arenside. Go to the designated location and deliver the package to the item shop. After completing all three tasks, Mandie will officially join your team.</li> <li><b>Douglas</b>: To unlock the blacksmith at your headquarters, find Douglas inside the blacksmith shop in Eltisweiss. He will need ten pieces of iron ore before agreeing to join his team.</li> <li><b>Milana</b>: At your headquarters, you can find Milana in the Trading House, next to the rune shop. Talk to her and she will become a valuable ally for your team.</li> <li><b>Ormond</b>: To enter the abandoned mines, head to your headquarters and find the entrance. Once inside, talk to Ormond, who is located south of the save point. He will request three pieces of iron ore before agreeing to unlock the quarry in his headquarters.</li> <li><b>Nell</b>: Nell can be recruited by finding the backpack on the northeast side of Hishahn, located behind a stall. She interacts with them to start a conversation and recruit them to your team. This ally will increase the size of his inventory after building the required facility.</li> <li><b>Prunella</b>: she can be found in Dabavin, where she will request a payment of 100,000 baqua to be recruited. Once you get the money, talk to her to officially add her to your team. As a bonus, she will give you back 50,000 baqua.</li> <li><b>Rody</b>: Finally, you can recruit Rody in Dabavin by giving him a Pearlescent Pocket Watch. These valuable items can be acquired by farming enemies in The Den of the Dunes. Evaluate your pocket watches until you find a pearl one, which you can then offer to Rody. This will unlock the Appraisal Shop at your headquarters.</li> <li><b>Stadler</b>: Locate him in Imperishi'arc and triumph against him in a simulated skirmish. He uses the war feature of the game to ensure victory. Unlock the training area at your headquarters.</li> <li><b>Quinn</b>: Discover her in Imperishi'arc and help her with her mission. She successfully completes The Dune Lair and conquers a formidable optional adversary.</li> <li><b>Cabana</b>: Start a conversation with him in Imperishi'arc to recruit him. This will allow access to the hot springs.</li> <li><b>Yaelu</b>: Progress through Seign's story segment to automatically add her to your ranks.</li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ivy</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Continue com a parte da história de Seign para recrutá-la automaticamente.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Skyd</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Siga a história principal e saia vitorioso na corrida Shi'arc.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Yuferius</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Continue com a trama principal e saia vitorioso na corrida Shi'arc.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Mihlu</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Progrida na história principal até completar as tarefas de Nowa e Seign e retornar ao seu quartel-general.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Clarke</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Volte para Arindale e compre The Star Cross Lovers no armazém. Dê para Clarke, que está próximo a uma fonte na zona leste da cidade. Isso desbloqueia o teatro em sua sede.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Alwe</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Continue a história principal até chegar à casa de Marisa. Derrote os revenants e ele se juntará a você na próxima cena.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Nil</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Continue a história principal até chegar à casa de Marisa. Derrote os revenants e ela se juntará a você na próxima cena.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Hogan</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Encontre-o em Twinhorne (Leste). Ele obtém um lucro de 50.000 através do Mercado de Negociação.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Rohan</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Fale com ele dentro do Twinhorne Inn (Leste).</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Rudy:</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> &nbsp;Sobreviva à traiçoeira masmorra da Caverna de Gelo.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Lilwin:&nbsp;</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Avance pela história principal até que os mortos-vivos invadam a casa de Maria. Ela se juntará ao seu grupo automaticamente.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Euma:</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> &nbsp;Avance na história principal e ele se juntará a você automaticamente.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kassius:&nbsp;</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Embarque na jornada de percorrer a história principal e, sem qualquer intervenção, Kassius se tornará membro do seu grupo.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Selbineth:</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> &nbsp;Atualize seu QG para o nível 3 e configure a Sala Misteriosa para desbloquear o Campo de Testes.</font></font></li> <li><b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Momo</font></font></b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> : Volte para Hishahn e encontre-o na ponte localizada ao sul da cidade. Concluir a masmorra Seaside Cavern é um pré-requisito para esta reunião crucial.</font></font></li> </ul> </div> <div> <div> <br> </div> <div><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Como demonstrado, o processo de recrutamento de todos os personagens da saga épica acaba por ser uma tarefa bastante árdua. Contudo, esta tarefa monumental será muito mais rápida. Cada personagem traz habilidades e características cruciais para o nosso grupo, então não hesitemos em explorar o mapa e reunir um exército de vários aliados. </font></font></div> <div> <br> </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> <b><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Por fim, agora que já abordamos Como desbloquear todos os personagens em Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes, é possível reunir uma infinidade de personagens que nos darão um grande impulso à nossa diversão e progresso, conseguindo ter todas as vantagens com as capacidades que cada personagem nos oferece.</font></font></b> </div> </div>

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desenvolvido por:
Natsume Atari
Acção, Aventura