Angel Marquez
2023-07-13 04:00:18

Learn the tips and How to Deliver the Shoe to Hank in Oxenfree 2 and your mission is complete. 

To obtain the platinum trophy in Oxenfree 2: Lost Signals, one of the tasks you must complete is delivering a shoe to Hank at Garland Ghost Town. This seemingly simple task holds a lot of significance in the game, and in this blog post, we will guide you through the process of completing it successfully.Hank, a character in the game, will initially ask if you broke his equipment. He will then offer EMF Boosters as a way to change the time period. This is where your journey begins. You have a few options to transport yourself to the desired time period. You can either use a portal or a tear to step back in time. Choose the method that suits your playstyle.

Initial Interaction with Hank:

Your first encounter with Hank is likely to be a memorable one. You may stumble upon him while exploring the vast and eerie landscape of Oxenfree 2. Hank is a quirky character with a passion for collecting unique items, and he's on the lookout for something special. This is where you come in.

Helping Hank Capture a Photo:

Hank will express his desire to capture a photo of a mysterious shoe. He believes that this shoe holds great significance in the world of the supernatural. To assist him in his quest, you'll need to scour the surroundings for any clues or hints that might lead you to this elusive shoe.

Finding Evidence - The Shoe:

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Your search for the shoe will take you on a thrilling adventure across various locations in Oxenfree 2. Keep your eyes peeled for any signs or indications that might point you in the right direction. From hidden caves to abandoned buildings, the shoe could be anywhere.

As you explore, you'll come across cryptic messages, puzzles, and interact with other characters who may hold vital information about the shoe's whereabouts. Pay close attention to your surroundings, listen to the radio frequencies, and use your wit and intuition to solve the mysteries that lie ahead.

Returning to Garland Ghost Town:

Once you've finally discovered the shoe, it's time to return to Hank in Garland Ghost Town. This eerie location serves as the perfect backdrop for Hank's collection of oddities. As you make your way back, be prepared for unexpected twists and turns that will challenge your problem-solving skills.

Upon delivering the shoe to Hank, you'll witness his excitement and gratitude. He'll share fascinating stories about the shoe's history and how it connects to the supernatural occurrences in Oxenfree 2. Hank's enthusiasm and knowledge will deepen your understanding of the world you're exploring and add a layer of intrigue to your journey.

Delivering the shoe to Hank in Oxenfree 2 is not just a simple task but an adventure filled with mystery and excitement. From the initial interaction to helping Hank capture a photo, finding evidence, and returning to Garland Ghost Town, every step of the way holds its own surprises and challenges. So, gear up, keep your mind sharp, and get ready to embark on this thrilling quest. The shoe is waiting to be found, and Hank is counting on your assistance. Remember, the world of Oxenfree 2 is full of secrets, and with your determination and wit, you'll uncover them all. Happy exploring!