Ambar Jimenez
2019-06-21 22:28:23

Choose the best house in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.

In this opportunity we will show you the different houses of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite so you can choose which one is the best for you.

In Harry Potter: Wizards Unite you can choose between four Houses from your profile on the main screen of the game by just touching it and it will appear on your profile page. From there you can register your wand, set up your profile picture and choose your home from Hogwarts.

The houses you have to choose from in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite are shown below:

  • - Gryffindor.
  • - Slytherin.
  • - Hufflepuff.
  • - Ravenclaw.

You should know that regardless of the house you choose you will not lose any of the activities of the game, so you can rest easy.

On the other hand, you should know that the houses in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite will become more critical as time goes by, since there can be all kinds of challenges where the Houses have to reach specific objectives in order to unlock rewards.

It is recommended to play in the same house both you and your friends, as this will help you get more extra XP as long as you play with your friends.

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