Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Guide - How to Cast Masterful Spells - Ultimate Guide

Daniel Hidalgo
2019-06-26 15:57:19

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite debuted just a few days ago and many players have been wondering how to Cast Masterful Spells in the augmented reality video game.

Lazar master spells is of great importance in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, this will allow you to execute a much more effective spell, it will also allow you to save spell energy, which in turn will allow you to use Consumable and Fundable more frequently, thanks that you will have a greater amount of spell power.

To be able to Cast Masterful Spells, you must be monitoring how good your spells are being, for this use Comforts to access a meter that will determine how good your spells are, this is determined on a scale that starts at Fair that is simply the lowest level Good, Great and Masterful which is the highest level.

You can try to change the way you cast a spell by tracking it, but we've noticed that Harry Potter: Wizards Unite apparently maintains the speed and precision with which you cast a spell.

Harry Potter Meter: Wizards Unite timed.

Cast Masterful Spells is not only possible by calculating previously. You can take advantage of the Harry Potter meter: Wizards Unite is timed to turn a regular or bad spell into a master spell if you cast it quickly. If you have performed a spell that has not been so good, immediately cast another spell, the game will unite and combine all their power and if the two are enough to become a master spell when joining, then you will get a master spell combining two regular spells.

Casting master spells requires practice.

Casting master spells in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, as we mentioned at the beginning, will allow you to save Spell Energy, making you able to respond to the Comforters in less time. In addition to that you can also get Spell Energy faster.

Although cast spells in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is not exactly something that is explained in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, so we recommend you simply practice and use the spell meter with the Confundables to know how well you are doing.

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