Daniel Hidalgo
2019-02-13 02:40:18

Tom Clancy's Division 2 looks great on Xbox One X.

Recently Ubisoft held a private beta session for The Division 2, the event allowed lucky players to be able to access a series of open-world missions and activities, as well as redesigned content of the final game, also Dark Zones and an invaded mission. against the Black Tusks faction

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It is almost a month before the official premiere of the game, Ubisoft has already said in which console the video game will be better.

After the new special 1TB Division 2 Xbox One X package was announced, Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb, Xbox Programming Director, met with Julián Gerighty creative director. They analyzed in detail the improvement that the video game had in the future new console of Xbox One, the Xbox One X, the creative director of the brand, said that the new hardware of the team will allow to squeeze the game to the maximum and not only with the improvements of the 4K and the HDR, but also that it is the sharpest version of the team.

Of course the consoles will not exceed the PC, unless not in the near future, because PC players can improve these by changing different components, and if you want to exploit much more the game, consider the PC version

Although the video game was recently in the Epic Games Store and not on Steam, Ubisoft also said how customizable Tom Clancy's The Division 2 will be on PC, of ​​course teams that meet the requirements, players will opt for a rate of frames and resolution without screen, also the video game supports multiple or panoramic screens with variable update rates, HDR, and has a user interface and HUD that are fully customizable.

Regardless of whether you are a console or PC player, you will notice improvements in gameplay and mechanics with respect to the game's previous sequel.

The developers have not spared talking about the things learned and put to improve the last sequel, such as having more content at the end of the game, a dedicated component of PvP called Conflict, among other things.

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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