Lidia Rozo
2022-10-24 08:13:52

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We have made a guide to explain how to get the alone mission safe codes in Modern Warfare 2.

What is the point of getting Alone Mission security codes in Modern Warfare?

Having the opportunity to access certain codes in this game and that are specifically usually in the Alone mission, which is part of a total of 1 game missions, these are usually necessary to open safes that are usually locked, a measure that As we progress we must get the codes and use them, it is possible to get some clues as we progress in the mission and thus find the correct numbers that we require.

How to get the alone mission safe codes in Modern Warfare 2?

It is important to know that:
Read Also:

  • Safes are usually locked in the game and require the codes to open them.
  • There are some clues that offer us information related to the codes.

There are two safes that require codes, and they are:

  • "Cafeteria safe: this is the first one we must get and is usually located behind a stuck door, we must use the Pry tool, this can be created with a lever from our inventory, it is used to unlock the door and in this way reveal the safe inside, when we get the box we will look for the numbers that are close, here we will see a calendar where we can use the date to collect the reward that is inside, and it is a 980 pistol, the code is 10-10-80.
  • El Maistro Garage safe: this is the second box we get and this is located on the way to the church, we will see a back room where a laptop is normally located from which we will get the second code and by unlocking the box we will get a crossbow and a throwing knife as a reward, the code to open it is 37-60-80.

Now that you know how to get the alone mission safe codes in Modern Warfare 2, you can take care of working a little on the mission and thus open the boxes to receive the respective prizes that are usually inside.

MW2, Cod Modern Warfare 2, CODMW2, Call of Duty MW2, COD MW2
First-person shooter
Infinity Ward
Activision, Square Enix
Single-player, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam