Angel Marquez
2020-06-02 11:23:11

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Today we made for you a blacksmith guide thinking about the great possibilities of using it in Minecraft Dungeons.

Our work in this game allows us to have many options and this is a way to make it more entertaining, today it talks about the blacksmith guide especially because there are two quite good ways to get some loot in the dungeons, since the smithy as such It has a special point here, the important thing is to find the method that seems best to us and to access between the dungeons and eliminate enemies.

What is the blacksmith and what does he bring in Minecraft Dungeons?

This is a NPC that we can get on our way through the dungeons and although it does not have any specific item it is likely to get some objects at random, since each one has the possibility of having some element that may be something rare or unique counting on a certain number of emeralds to be able to exchange them with any object that can fall randomly, that is good to know that the objects that they can get from the blacksmith are of a high level for our character and this will be excellent to keep as part of our inventory .

Since the blacksmith dropped any object at random it is good to have the possibility of having some opportunity since these allow us to obtain very good rewards, and that are necessary to increase the level of power so it is not feasible to leave them ignore.

Is there any other option to get objects in Minecraft Dungeons?

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Getting crops is an option that we can do and this takes us through all levels, so it is necessary to go to the bottom on the left side, especially since each common booty usually has a unique counterpart, there is also the possibility to be able to navigate through the levels.

With this we can end our blacksmith guide counting that it is possible to get various objects and with this power to continue playing Minecraft Dungeons

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