We have made a detailed guide where we explain How to defeat Jin in Metaphor ReFantazio, let's see.
Among the many contenders you will find on your journey is ReFantazio. In chapter seven of Neuras's follower story, you are to track down the thief who stole the items you found for him. You will learn through this pursuit that the brain behind the heist is Jin and that you need to recover his stolen goods.
If you want to know how to defeat Jin in Metaphor ReFantazio, this is the article.
How to defeat Jin in Metaphor ReFantazio?
Jin is the master of going with the times and switching sides at whim-you probably have crossed paths with him on your journey. Since you need to progress Neuras's follower status, now is the time to defeat him since he joined Louis.
As Jin is very weak, he will be depending on the two guards accompanying him. You will have to beat these guards throughout this fight. By following these major steps in Metaphor ReFantazio, Jin can be defeated.
Top-Picked Models
Character of a mage or wizard Honorable Member
In this fight, any archetype of the Mage lineage will suffice. The two guards can be dealt with by using Bot's Fire damage ability and Kand's Lightning damage talent, respectively.
For defeating Jin, Persona Master gives you the ability to weaken your opponents for a while. You can also wear a Healer/Cleric mask if you don't feel like calling one.
The Prince package includes the four-turn Hero's Cry Spell. When you are at a disadvantage, this will help prepare your party.
Things and tools that are suggested
Do make sure to get items that do lightning and fire damage before chasing him with your gauntlet runner, which can be found in the Gloamhall on Sunshade Row in Grand Trad. Since this combat is not very hard, you won't need to have many healing potions.
The boss combat
Kill both the guards.
The other two, except Jin, are the ones you want to start with. You can abuse the strong Area of Effect Fire spell as long as you're an Archetype of Persona Master. You can turn right guard with a press turn since he's weak to fire and would take damage from that, while others will receive zero.
Cast a lightning spell or use an item on the left guard. You may also use the Prince's Hero's Cry spell to continue the attack for more turns.
It is suggested to get as many press turn advantages that you can since Jin has an ability to heal the entire opponent team.
Defeat Jin
Give him several weaknesses, then proceed to exploit those weaknesses with Persona Master since you're continually going to be using his powers. In this way, you can rack up turns against Jin, putting him out of commission in Metaphor ReFantazio in no time.
In general terms, knowing How to defeat Jin in Metaphor ReFantazio, allows you to eliminate him without much complexity
Fantasy, Fiction, Novel, Story Book, Read, Literature, Author, Writing, Creative, Imagination, Dream, Magic, Adventure,
Platform(s): PlayStation 4 ps4, PlayStation 5 ps5, Windows pc, Xbox Series X/S
Developer(s): Studio Zero
Release date: October 11, 2024
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