Edelmira Leon
2022-07-11 07:55:56

If you don't know how to find the key in the present/camera room in MADiSON, just keep reading, because here we have everything you need to know.

What is the present key in MADiSON?

It is one of the many elements that you can find in the game, and that in fact you must find in order to advance in the story.

How to find the key in the present/camera room in MADiSON?

To find the key, you will have to go to the room where the camera is in MADiSON. After advancing a little in the game, you will be able to access the corridor of a house. Initially, you will find all three doors locked, but when the last door in the hall is blocked by the clock and I remove the cloak, the doors to the right will open and you will be able to access the second room where the key is in the drawer of the room. left side.
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With the key in hand, you will have to go to the back room to find the image that you will have to hang in the empty space between the two lights on the side of the corridor. When you have the necessary elements for the room, you will have to go to the other side of the corridor, where there is a space between two lights.

Here you will have to hang the image to find a closed door in which the key is on the opposite side when turning. You will need to use the key to open the door, in which you will find new items.

  This is all you need to know about how to find the key in the present/camera room in MADiSON, so now that we're done, we hope we've been as helpful as possible, and we hope you'll be able to quickly find this key, now that you have everything you need. Necessary.