Lidia Rozo
2024-06-24 09:01:42

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We have made a detailed guide on How to Fix Lost Light High Ping and Stuttering.

High ping can ruin your experience in Lost Light. It causes lag, stuttering, and disconnections, putting you at a disadvantage in combat and making it difficult to find resources. Fortunately, there are several solutions you can try to reduce your ping and improve your connection to the game.

What is a good ping for Lost Light?

An ideal ping for Lost Light is below 60ms. The lower the ping, the better your gaming experience will be. If your ping is consistently above 100ms, you will notice significant lag and are likely to experience gameplay issues.

What causes high ping in Lost Light?

Several causes can lead to high ping in Lost Light, including:

  • Network issues: An unstable internet connection, poor wifi signal quality, or insufficient bandwidth can all increase ping. Distance to Server: The farther you are from the game server, the higher your ping will be.
  • Background Software: Bandwidth-hungry apps like torrent downloads or video streaming can affect your in-game ping.
  • Server Issues: In some cases, the problem may be on the game's server side, causing high ping for all players.

How to Fix Lost Light High Ping and Stuttering?

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1. Go Wired

Whenever possible, use a wired internet connection instead of Wi-Fi. Wired connections are usually more stable and reliable, which can lower your ping.

2. Close Background Apps

Close any apps or programs you're not using while playing Lost Light. This will free up bandwidth and can improve your ping.

3. Update Network Drivers

Make sure you have the latest network drivers for your device. Outdated drivers can cause performance issues, including high ping.

4. Change the game server

If possible, try connecting to a game server closer to your location. This can reduce the distance data has to travel and lower your ping.

5. Use a ping booster

There are third-party apps and services that can help you reduce your ping in Lost Light. These services work by optimizing your connection path to the game server.

6. Contact Lost Light support

If you've tried all of the above solutions and you're still experiencing high ping, contact Lost Light support. There may be an issue with the game server or your account may be restricted.


  • Restart your router and modem: Turn off your router and modem for 30 seconds and then turn them back on. This can help fix temporary issues with your internet connection.
  • Check for service interruptions: Your internet service provider may be experiencing interruptions that affect your connection. You can check the status of your service on your provider's website.
  • Upgrade your internet plan: If your current internet plan isn't sufficient for your needs, consider upgrading to a plan with higher bandwidth.

As such, high ping can be a frustrating problem in Lost Light, but there are several solutions you can try to fix it.

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