Lidia Rozo
2023-12-18 07:00:24

 Discover the ultimate guide of How To Skip Night In LEGO Fortnite and gain an edge in the game.

Hey there LEGO Fortnite players, are you tired of navigating through the game's nighttime rain? Well, we've got a solution for you! In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to skip the night in LEGO Fortnite and enjoy sunny skies throughout your gameplay.

How To Skip Night In LEGO Fortnite

Step 1: Find Your Bed During the Night

During the game's night cycle, you'll need to locate your bed and interact with it to sleep. This will not only help you skip the night but also save your progress. So, make sure to keep track of your bed's location during the day to avoid any inconvenience during the night.

Step 2: Craft a Regular Bed Outside

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If you can't make it back to your base or home during the night cycle, you can craft a regular bed outside using materials like wood planks and wool blocks. This will provide you with a safe and comfortable place to sleep during the night and help you avoid any dangers that may arise during the dark.

Step 3: Save the Game

Once you've slept in your bed or crafted a new one, save the game by exiting it. This will ensure that your progress is saved and that you can easily rejoin the game when you're ready to play again.

Step 4: Wait in the Lobby

After exiting the game, wait in the lobby until daytime arrives. This may take some time, so be patient and use this time to take a break or grab a quick snack. Once the daytime arrives, you'll be ready to jump back into the game and enjoy the sunny skies.

Step 5: Rejoin and Enjoy!

Once daytime has arrived and all signs of rain have disappeared, rejoin the game and continue playing while enjoying the sunny skies. You'll notice that skipping the night has not affected your progress in any way, and you can continue playing from where you left off.

In conclusion, by following these simple steps, you'll be able to skip night in LEGO Fortnite without losing any progress. Skipping the night will not only make your gameplay more enjoyable but also help you avoid any dangers that may arise during the dark. So go ahead and try it out for yourself! Happy gaming!

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PC, macOS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, iOS, Android
Survival, battle royale, sandbox
Epic Games
Epic Games
Unreal Engine 4
Release date:
July 25, 2017
Co-op, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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