Lidia Rozo
2023-07-18 06:27:42

Our step-by-step instructions will help you on How to heal squad members in Jagged Alliance 3.

Healing your squad members in Jagged Alliance 3 is crucial for their survival and success on the battlefield. In this guide, we will explore various healing methods, strategies, and tips to ensure that your team remains healthy and ready for action.

Healing Methods

 Medkits and First Aid Kits

Medkits and First Aid Kits are essential tools for healing your squad members. Understanding the healing amount they provide is key to effectively utilizing them. Different kits have varying healing capacities, so it's important to stock up on a variety of them to meet different needs.

Factors such as the Medicine stat and perks can also affect the healing process. A higher Medicine stat will increase the effectiveness of healing items, while certain perks can provide additional benefits or bonuses to healing.


Time is another factor that affects healing in Jagged Alliance 3. Wounds will naturally heal over time, but at a slow pace. It's important to manage healing over time by prioritizing injured squad members and allowing them the necessary rest to recover.

Treatment Operations

Treatment operations offer additional benefits for healing squad members. These operations can be performed by trained medical personnel within your squad. Utilizing medications during treatment operations can enhance the healing process and expedite recovery.


In more severe cases, seeking treatment in hospitals may be necessary. Hospitals can provide specialized care and advanced medical treatments for your squad members. However, it's important to consider the cost of hospital treatments and weigh it against your available resources.

Grit: Temporary HP Boost

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Grit is a temporary HP boost that can be crucial during intense battles. It allows your squad members to withstand more damage before succumbing to their injuries.

  •  Purpose of Grit: Grit serves as a buffer for your squad members, giving them an additional layer of protection. It can mean the difference between life and death in critical situations.
  •  Ways to Gain Grit: Certain perks and special skills can provide grit to your squad members. Utilizing characters with these abilities can greatly enhance your squad's survivability. Be sure to assign the right individuals for the job to maximize grit generation.

 Healing Strategies and Tips

  • Prioritizing Healing: When dealing with multiple injured squad members, it's crucial to prioritize healing based on the severity of their injuries. Attend to those with life-threatening wounds first, and then address less critical injuries.
  • Healing Plan for Efficient Squad Management: Developing a healing plan is vital for efficient squad management. Assign dedicated healers within your squad who can focus on treating injuries and keeping your team in top shape.
  •  Maximizing Healing Resources: Resource management is key to maximizing the use of healing items and kits. Be mindful of the amount of each healing item you have and distribute them wisely among your squad members. Consider the importance of each team member and allocate resources accordingly.
  • Supporting Healing Efforts: Healing efforts can be supported by providing a safe and comfortable environment for recovery. Ensure that your squad members have access to adequate shelter, food, and rest to aid in their healing process.

Healing your squad members in Jagged Alliance 3 is crucial for their survival and success in the battlefield. By understanding the different healing methods, utilizing grit, and implementing effective healing strategies, you can ensure that your team remains healthy, resilient, and ready to conquer any challenge that comes their way.