Le migliori build multiclasse del Monaco in Baldur's Gate 3



Benvenuti alla nostra guida dettagliata e specifica sulle migliori build multiclasse del Monaco in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Come personaggio multiclasse in Baldur's Gate 3, il Monaco presenta una serie di sfide. È una classe a cui non piace indossare armature e ha un piccolo arsenale di armi che può usare a suo vantaggio. Tuttavia, puoi combinarlo con alcune altre opzioni.

Alcune classi sono molto attraenti per la loro straordinaria sinergia con gli attacchi disarmati e con la classe del Monaco nel suo complesso. Ciò che conta di più è il tipo di personaggio che desideri giocare, le abilità di cui ha bisogno il tuo gruppo e i tuoi obiettivi per la sinergia del gruppo. Fortunatamente, se cambi idea, puoi sempre consultare Withers. Tra le diverse classi del Monaco disponibili in Baldur's Gate 3, queste si distinguono come alcune delle migliori scelte.

Le migliori build multiclasse del Monaco in Baldur’s Gate 3

Il Monaco è un combattente corpo a corpo aggressivo che infligge danni enormi a una singola vittima con facilità usando spade corte o senza armi in un combattimento a mani nude. Alcune buone scelte per i personaggi multiclasse sono incantatori che hanno abilità speciali, attaccanti che possono colpire da lontano o modi per aumentare le loro azioni bonus.

Poiché alcune caratteristiche sono disabilitate quando si indossa un'armatura, i monaci si affidano molto ai loro punteggi di abilità Destrezza e Saggezza. È possibile essere un monaco e indossare un'armatura, tuttavia la velocità di movimento sarà ridotta. Ai fini di questa guida, utilizzeremo build senza armatura. Tuttavia, se lo desideri, sei il benvenuto a sperimentare con i monaci combattenti con armatura pesante.

Le build seguenti saranno principalmente caratterizzate da Way of the Shadow e Way of the Open Hand. Non parleremo di Way of the Four Elements perché, rispetto alle altre opzioni, è una sottoclasse del Monaco che usa eccessivamente i punti Ki.

La build multiclasse ottimale per Druido e Monaco

  • In un gruppo, infliggo danni in prima linea e ogni tanto lancio incantesimi.
  • Ottieni 16 punti ferita temporanei, più incantesimi e più danni al costo di risorse; sostituisci i livelli del Monaco del gioco successivo con questo.
  • I danni senz'armi e i punti Ki vengono persi e l'utilità per i monaci è limitata.
  • Punti di forza: Difficile, Miglioramento del punteggio di abilità
  • Artefatti magici: Mutaforma, Armatura del Custode delle Spore, Cappello set Bonespike
Sfortunatamente, le opzioni Circle of the Moon per Druid e Monk non funzionano bene insieme. Tuttavia, Circle of Spores è un Circle alternativo da cui il Monk potrebbe trarre molto più beneficio grazie alla sua sinergia superiore. A distanza ravvicinata, puoi attaccare i nemici e usare una varietà di effetti di danno nel tempo e di controllo della folla. Poiché i Druidi in Baldur's Gate 3 hanno anche punteggi di abilità Destrezza e Saggezza elevati, questi due possono completarsi bene a vicenda.

Subclasses of Circle of Spores and Way of the Open Hand make a great combo. As our principal damage option, Way of the Open Hand is well-suited to Flurry of Blows. If you don't take too much damage, you can use Symbiotic Entity, which you unlock at Druid level two, to your advantage. It gives temporary HP and increased damage on unarmed attacks, thus grabbing Circle of Spores is a good idea.

While many spells can be relearned by druids, cantrips cannot. An adequate ranged option is Produce Flame, and Guidance makes you incredibly useful in non-combat situations. Constantly cast spells like Longstrider, Healing Word, Hold Person, and Spike Growth can greatly enhance your campaign.

Due to your character's heavy reliance on stats, Ability Score Improvement will prove to be an invaluable ally. You can increase your durability by looking into War Caster or Tough, but if you want more interesting techniques, or if your character benefits from Auntie Ethel's Hair or the Mirror, then you should check into other options.

Your magical equipment ought to have a good balance of Wild Shape and assistance for unarmed assaults. You must have the Shapeshifter Hat because you will be exiting Wild Shape frequently. The Bonespike Boots and Corellon's Grace are excellent choices for Monks. You can get away with wearing the Vest of Soul Rejuvenation as robes.

But watch out for your resources. Wild Shapes and Ki Points can be devoured by this build in no time. Warlocks and Bards benefit from the frequent short breaks. You should also make sure to have a Cleric in your party so they can heal you and your character frequently. If you want to avoid having your position overwhelmed, it's best to stay near the frontline tank for the majority of each combat.

My favorite multiclass build for the Monk and Ranger.

  • Function in the party: Deals physical damage to a single target.
  • Pros: Accumulate formidable ranged abilities and deal massively more damage as you level up your Ranger.
  • Cons: You can't use all of Ranger's powers with Monk. Bonus acts are relied on too heavily.
  • Qualities: Accurate marksman, Enhancement of Ability Score.
  • The Circlet of Hunting and Gontre Mael are two crucial magical artifacts.

In Baldur's Gate 3, Monk's lack of reliable ranged options is a major issue. Fixing it is easy with the Ranger, but they also have many attacks that help the Monk in close quarters and without weapons. Our strategy will revolve around combining the Ranger's impressive ranged abilities with the Monk's high damage per target. When you don't have a great method to shorten the distance, balancing range and melee becomes much more challenging. When playing this character, you should avoid enemies that can catch you off guard.

Start leveling up Ranger when you obtain Extra Attack from Monk. Upon completing the first four levels, switch to Monk to complete the remaining twelve. The race of your character won't have much of an impact, but we have a soft spot for Tieflings because they're generally very adaptable. Dwarves, Wood Elfs, Half-Orcs, and Dragonborn are some more viable options. Folk Hero is usually a good fit given your background and abilities, though Outlander will do.

Scores in Dexterity: 16, Wisdom: 16, and Constitution: 14 indicate your level of ability. Feel free to select another option that serves your needs. Having a good dose of Dexterity and stocking up on other things is always beneficial for this character, as you'll be switching between close quarters battle and maintaining a safe distance.

The Way of the Shadow and the Gloom Stalker are archetypes that you embody. You can deal damage with Way of the Shadow, and you can gain initiative and a little advantage on your first turn with Gloom Stalker. There are a number of methods for granting your Gloom Stalker character the ability to blend in with the shadows or become invisible.

We advise you to use Archery as your fighting style, Bounty Hunter as your preferred enemy, and Beast Tamer as your natural explorer as you level up your Ranger. In addition to Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike, and Hunter's Mark are great first-level spells to learn.

Achievements are easy. Investing in boosting your Dexterity and Wisdom Ability Scores is a certain way to become a better Monk. If you'd rather focus on sheer damage and archery, though, Sharpshooter is a viable option. Even if you won't be very good with an arrow, you can still close the distance for Flurries and do decent damage.

Your goods, at long last. With Gontr Mael, you may take advantage of your ranged weapon's Haste and strong attack rolls, making short work of both the Monk and the Gloom Stalker. To be safe while keeping your movement speed, you should look for quality clothing armor like the Vest of Soul Rejuvenation. This will help you to close the gap on foes. On the other hand, make sure to bring certain weapon-related essentials, such as Helldusk Gloves, which are perfect for Rangers and Monks.

Before launching into weapon blows with a staff, like Corellon's Grace, this monk variant uses Hunter's Mark to mark foes. With your Ranger levels, the Monk can sneak up on enemies from a distance and unleash a devastating Flurry of Blows, which can help relieve some of the strain that comes with prolonged melee combat. Your Monk can use Gloom Stalker to become invisible and slip away using the Way of the Shadows. Once they're at a safe distance, they can fire a ranged attack if a target approaches too near or if you're cornered.

Like a Ranger or a Monk, your objectives are to swiftly pick off an enemy. Take advantage of your high Wisdom with Perception and Insight tests when you're not fighting. An excellent strategy in Baldur's Gate 3 is to take on the role of the sleight-of-hand and lockpicking expert.

Ideal multiclass Rogue and Monk

  • Function in the party: Deals physical damage to a single target.
  • Advantages: Sneak Attack is an option, and you can perform three additional actions every turn.
  • Downside: Punches can't sneak up on you. He uses a lot of Ki per round, but his feat count is lower.
  • Ability Score Improvement, Tavern Brawler
  • Crucial magical artifacts: Set of Bonespike Gauntlets, Frost, Giant Strength

Combining the Wholeness of Body ability of the Open Hand with the Fast Hands of the Thief Rogue allows this construct to obtain three bonus actions every turn, allowing for a maximum of ten punches per round in combat. The damage from these attacks isn't very high, but they add up fast, and they're perfect for focusing down an enemy so your team can deal more damage in Baldur's Gate 3.

You should level up Monk to six before switching to Rogue three levels below for this combo. Wholeness of Body greatly improves your Ki economy and damage potential, and you can achieve Extra Attack quite fast in this technique. While Half-Orcs excel at builds that focus on damage and critical hits, we found that Gnomes, Wood Elves, Dwarves, and Githyanki were the most effective in defending against magical attacks.

As you progress through the game, your ability scores will gradually change. High levels of Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom are required to begin, just as in earlier models. You should also aim for some Strength. It's acceptable to have DEX 16, CON 13, WIS 16, and STR 14. If you want to lower your Strength to eight points and use those points for other Ability Scores, you can talk to Withers after you obtain the Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength in the House of Hope.

We think that Athletics and Sleight of Hand are two areas where your Expertise might shine. Another good choice is Stealth, since your Monk will be naturally sneaky thanks to their high Dexterity score.

Every Monk needs feats, and Tavern Brawler is no exception. It boosts your Constitution by one and adds your Strength bonus to attack and damage rolls (including unarmed attacks). Plus six on top of your plus six is what you'll get with Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength. It's worth going armedless for that huge bonus. But the major drawback is that this won't occur until the Third Act.

You can customize this build with a variety of items, such as the Amulet of Greater Health, Boots of Uninhibited Kushigo for unarmed attacks, and Bonespike Boots for defense, in addition to the Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength.

Con solo 10 punti Ki con cui giocare, questa build intende spendere una quantità significativa di Ki per round. Per attivare Wholeness of Body, che garantisce tre round di tre azioni aggiuntive ogni turno, spendi una piccola quantità di punti Ki. Usare Wholeness of Body durante il combattimento non sarà un problema; le azioni bonus aggiuntive sono preziose.

Usa una balestra leggera o un arco corto come assalto iniziale, quindi avvicinati furtivamente al nemico con un'arma da monaco se hai paura di mettere a segno attacchi furtivi per primo. Se vuoi cogliere di sorpresa i tuoi avversari, usa l'abilità elevata di furtività del tuo monaco. In alternativa, puoi aspettare che i membri del tuo gruppo combattano prima di saltare dentro. Dopo che Tavern Brawler è attivo, dovresti giocare disarmato perché il danno è molto alto.

In conclusione, conoscere le migliori build multiclasse del Monaco in Baldur’s Gate 3 è interessante perché ci consente di svilupparci e divertirci di più in questo gioco così movimentato.

piattaforma(s): Microsoft Windows PC, Stadia, macOS
Sviluppato da: Larian Studios
Distribuito da: Larian Studios
Genero(s): Giochi di ruolo
Data di rilascio: 6 ottobre 2020
Modo: Singolo giocatore, multiplayer
fascia d'età: 16+

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