Angel Marquez
2021-09-30 09:02:16

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Find out how to get the gas mask in this excellent and explanatory guide of In Sound Mind.

What to know about In Sound Mind?

While we are progressing we are going to find many contaminated puddles, so we can overcome by the toxic that they become, but you can notice a gas mask that can be useful in this case, so we must find a way to How to get the gas mask and in this guide we can see the details about it.

How to get the gas mask in In Sound Mind?

You have to have progressed at least 3 hours to be able to access the gas mask, we must overcome the first chapter of the Virginia tape, where we have to explore the psyche of some patients from Desmond's past, the rewards being unmissable along with the tape, at the end we have a fragment that will be part of our inventory, we have to use the elevator that takes us to the basement, to the left there will be a tape to cut, here we can climb a barrel at the top of the steps to get to the vent, with the glass fragment this we can break it reaching the room through the ventilation duct.

Now we will be facing a challenge that is related to miniature platforms, where we must avoid touching the ground infected with toxic sludge, when we reach the end we will have the gas mask on a table, with the use of the trigger we will To be able to equip it, we must take into account the need for another exit, because the ventilation duct is too high to jump it, the door does nothing, which will lead us to destroy a vent that we have near the level door with crystal, with this mask we can go to many optional places avoiding toxicity.

 Knowing how to get the gas mask is very useful for our progress in In Sound Mind.