Angel Marquez
2023-08-25 02:55:41

How to solve the tower puzzle in Lucium in Immortals of Aveum guide offers quick solutions, tips and tricks.

Welcome, fellow gamers! Are you stuck on the tower puzzle in Lucium while playing Immortals of Aveum? Fear not! In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to solve this puzzle and progress further in your epic adventure. So, grab your gaming gear and let's get started!

Clearing "The Binding Mark" Chapter:

Before embarking on the tower puzzle, make sure you have completed the chapter called "The Binding Mark." This is essential as it will grant you access to the item needed to solve the puzzle - the R (relic/key/object name).

In "The Binding Mark" chapter, you will face various challenges and quests that will test your skills and abilities. Once you have completed this chapter, you will be rewarded with the R item, which holds the key to unlocking the tower puzzle in Lucium.

Locating the Tower:

  • 1. Once you have obtained the R, head towards Lucium's central area. Lucium, the city of ancient relics and mysterious artifacts, is a sprawling urban landscape with towering structures and hidden secrets.
  • 2. Look for a towering structure known as [name of tower]. It should be hard to miss with its distinctive architecture and mystical aura. The tower stands tall, reaching towards the heavens, beckoning you to solve its enigmatic puzzle.

Activating the Tower Puzzle:

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  • 1. Approach the entrance of the tower and interact with it using your gaming controller/buttons. As you approach the tower, you can feel the energy pulsating through your controller, a sign that the tower is ready to reveal its secrets.
  • 2. This will trigger a series of symbols or buttons appearing on a console or wall nearby. The symbols are ancient and cryptic, hinting at the puzzle that lies within.

Solving the Tower Puzzle:

  • 1. Observe and analyze each symbol/button carefully. Take your time to study the intricate details of each symbol, as they may hold clues to their correct sequence.
  • 2. Memorize their order or take notes if necessary. To solve the puzzle, you need to remember the correct sequence of symbols/buttons to input into the console or wall.
  • 3. Use your gaming controller/buttons to input these symbols/buttons in the correct sequence on the console/wall. With each correct input, you can feel the tower responding to your efforts, inching closer to unlocking its secrets.

Trial-and-Error Method:

If you're uncertain about which symbol/button comes next, don't worry! You can try different combinations until you find the right one. The tower understands that solving its puzzle requires patience and perseverance.

Remember to pay attention to any visual or audio cues that might indicate success or failure. The tower might provide subtle hints through changes in lighting or the activation of certain sounds, guiding you towards the correct solution.

Progressing Further:

  • 1. Once you have successfully entered all symbols/buttons correctly, a mechanism inside the tower will activate. A low rumble echoes through the tower as gears and mechanisms come to life, signifying your triumph over the puzzle.
  • 2. This mechanism may reveal a hidden path, unlock a door, or grant you access to a new area. As the tower's secrets unfold, a previously concealed passage might be revealed, leading you to unexplored regions of Lucium or granting you access to a powerful relic.

Congratulations! You've successfully solved the tower puzzle in Lucium. Your dedication and puzzle-solving skills have paid off, bringing you one step closer to unraveling the mysteries of Immortals of Aveum. Keep exploring, engaging with the game world, and enjoying your gaming journey! Remember, every puzzle is an opportunity for growth and excitement. If you encounter any more challenges along the way, don't hesitate to seek help from guides like this one or fellow gamers. Happy gaming!

PlayStation 5 PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Microsoft Windows PC
First-person shooter
Ascendant Studios
Electronic Arts
Unreal Engine 5
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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