How To Install Flour Mill in Harvestella - Ultimate Guide

Edelmira Leon
2022-11-08 07:09:23

If you keep reading you can learn how to install a flour mill in Harvestella, so pay close attention.

What is a flour mill in Harvestella?

It is one of the processing tools that you can use in the game and that will be useful for you to get one of the most difficult ingredients to obtain, flour.

How to install a flour mill in Harvestella?

This processing machine can be crafted at the workbench, provided you have unlocked it. To be able to do it you will have to complete 3 orders of fire fairies.

When you unlock it, you will have to get:

  • 2x wood
  • 2x rusty stuff
  • Crafting time is 40 minutes in-game.

To place it you will have to go to your farm, where you will have to create a plowing plot, to place the mill. Stellar Wheat is converted to Flour by placing it overnight in the mill. And with the flour you can prepare several advanced recipes such as the picnic sandwich, vegetable muffin and many others.

These recipes can be sold for much more and could be a good source of Grid, the in-game currency, although you can also just consume it to replenish your health.

This is all you need to know about how to install a flour mill in Harvestella, so now that we are done, we hope we have been very helpful and we hope that you will get a lot of use out of this processing tool.

Platform(s): Nintendo Switch, Windows PC
Genre(s): role-playing, life simulation
Developer(s): Live Wire
Publisher(s):Square Enix
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Release date: November 4, 2022
Mode: Single-player
age rating (PEGI): 12+

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