Angel Marquez
2024-05-09 07:46:48

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Today we bring you an explanatory guide on How to avoid Hecate’s sheep curse in Hades 2 with precise details.

What to know about the curse of Hecate's sheep in Hades 2?

In Hades 2, during Hecate's battle at the end of Erebus it's not that bad, but one thing that confuses even us experienced players is the sheep curse missile. Here we explain How to avoid Hecate’s sheep curse in Hades 2. To do this, let's see the following content.

How to avoid Hecate’s sheep curse in Hades 2?

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Hecate will fight relatively fairly throughout the match. At least until the sheep are cursed. When he has the last third of his health left, he will focus on the center and create his witches as before. Only this time he will throw a fast prismatic ball and, if he touches us, he will turn us into a sheep seemingly forever. Like a sheep, we are slow, helpless and can easily die. However, avoiding cursed projectiles is possible and can be done in many ways.

The bullets in Hecate's Curse of the Sheep are fast and follow us everywhere. However, it is only available for about seven seconds. During this time, if we are fast enough, we can dodge it many times. This is difficult because it's fast, but if we dodge the bullets and move slightly to the side, it will take time to get back and line you up again. Let's not do anything else while the ammo is active and it will disappear after a while. We can also use Poseidon's Gift, which can cause a tornado while you run. If we use Cyclone while running, the sheep's projectile will slow down. If Curse of Sheep's projectile hits our cyclone, it will remain in place, wasting precious seconds. Any buff that slows down bullets works here. To get the maximum benefit, let's make sure you choose the right door. We use this knowledge to avoid becoming a poor sheep.

If they still hit us, let's follow these tips to survive.

Continuously dodging, our slow sheep cannot avoid Hecate's spells placed behind us, but if we continue running, we will gain the small movement bonus necessary to overcome them. Also, when we get hit, we immediately start moving in the direction of the more open space. We must not deviate even a little, since this extra distance will cause the hexagons to damage us. Walking in a straight line will allow us to travel the greatest distance possible and avoid injuries. We will return to normal life in the blink of an eye.

Finally, now that we have covered How to avoid Hecate’s sheep curse in Hades 2, we have to prepare to face this stage of the game and emerge from this situation unscathed.

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