Lidia Rozo
2021-07-28 08:17:48

How to move between areas is a necessary activity to develop in Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and here we explain everything.

Why move between areas in Great Ace Attorney Chronicles?

It is good to keep in mind that there is the possibility of doing several things in this game, in this sense, knowing how to move between areas is usually a fundamental task, because there is the possibility of acting as detectives for a time in the game, for On the other hand, we can be defense attorneys, which marks some interesting roles and for which we must be properly prepared.

How to move between areas in Great Ace Attorney Chronicles?

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This game has a particular configuration and a story in which it is necessary to visit some different places, it is vital to move regularly in this way we progress throughout the story, sometimes we go like detectives looking for clues and investigating, however, when we get involved in the role of lawyers things are placed a bit more formal and it is usually necessary to talk with people, witnesses and others, in this sense, we must consider leaving the area in which we are, whether it is wanted or speaking , and let's go to the menu to look for some particular options:


  •  Examine.
  • To converse.
  • Move.
  • Present.


 Note: if we do not find this menu on the screen, we must go back the menus in which we are in order to get to the one we require.

When we get to the menu we must locate:


  •  The "Move" option to bring up a menu of options.
  • Then we proceed to select the location we want to visit, some locations may not be available and that will depend on what may be happening at the time, so that there are activities that we must do later.
  • By having the possibility of accessing the place, it will be necessary to visit the place and continue with the story.


In this sense, knowing how to move between areas allows us to adapt to different situations in Great Ace Attorney Chronicles in order to progress.