Daniel Hidalgo
2021-08-18 06:41:42

Now that Greak Memories of Azur has just been released, you'll be excited to know where to find plague crawles, so pay close attention, my friend.

What is the Exploration Training mission in Greak Memories of Azur all about?

This is a mission that you will receive from Zack east of this camp and in which you will be tasked with defeating five plague crawlers, so that Zack can teach Greak a new fighting technique.

Where to find plague crawlers in Greak Memories of Azur?

Despite having faced the plague crawlers at the beginning of the game, it will not be possible to go to the same place to defeat them. To do so you will have to head to Velhora Waterfalls, west of Raven's Road Camp, where most of the enemies are plague in nature.

Plague Crawlers are the enemy that stand on two legs to fight you. And it will be enough to finish five of them to return to Zack and complete the mission. This will allow you to learn a new technique, the Landing Attack. This attack can be performed while jumping in the air to hit ground targets.

That's all you need to know about where to find plague crawles in Greak Memories of Azur, we hope we helped you complete this mission so you can continue to advance and get new techniques.