Lidia Rozo
2024-02-02 03:03:58

Learn How To Fix Granblue Fantasy Relink Controller Not Working. Follow our step-by-step guide to get your controller working again.

Hey there, fellow Granblue Fantasy gamers! If you're facing issues with your controller not working while playing Granblue Fantasy Relink, don't worry – we've got you covered. In this guide, we'll walk you through some simple steps to get your controller up and running in no time.

Granblue Fantasy Relink has garnered a devoted fanbase with its captivating storyline, immersive gameplay, and stunning visuals. However, technical issues, such as controller malfunctions, can disrupt the gaming experience. Whether you're using a PlayStation, Xbox, or third-party controller, encountering problems with controller functionality can be frustrating. But fear not, as we're here to provide you with effective solutions to address these issues.

How To Fix Granblue Fantasy Relink Controller Not Working

Step 1: Use Third-Party Software

If you're using a non-standard controller or experiencing compatibility issues, consider using third-party software like DS4Windows or x360ce. These programs can help map your controller's inputs to emulate standard controllers, resolving any compatibility issues.

DS4Windows is a powerful tool specifically designed to address compatibility problems with PlayStation controllers on Windows PCs. It allows you to customize button mappings, adjust sensitivity settings, and emulate an Xbox controller, ensuring seamless integration with Granblue Fantasy Relink.

Similarly, x360ce is a popular choice for configuring various controllers to work seamlessly with games that natively support Xbox controllers. By creating a virtual XInput controller, x360ce enables non-Xbox controllers to function as if they were Xbox controllers, effectively resolving compatibility issues.

To begin using third-party software, simply download the respective program for your controller type, install it on your system, and follow the provided instructions to configure your controller for use with Granblue Fantasy Relink.

Step 2: Connect Controller Before Launch

Make sure to connect your controller before launching the game. Sometimes, connecting the controller after the game has started can cause it to not be recognized properly. By ensuring that your controller is connected before launching Granblue Fantasy Relink, you can mitigate potential recognition issues and ensure seamless integration with the game.

Step 3: Check Steam Settings

If you're playing Granblue Fantasy Relink through Steam, ensure that your controller is properly configured in Steam's settings. Navigate to Steam's "Settings" > "Controller" > "General Controller Settings" and make sure that the correct controller is selected and configured.

Steam provides robust controller support, allowing you to customize controller configurations, sensitivity settings, and button mappings. By ensuring that your controller is correctly configured within Steam, you can enhance compatibility and optimize the gaming experience on How To Fix Granblue Fantasy Relink Controller Not Working.

Step 4: Restart Game and Steam

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Sometimes, a simple restart can work wonders. Exit the game and restart both the game client and Steam to see if this resolves the issue with your controller. Restarting the game and Steam can refresh system configurations and potentially resolve any underlying issues affecting controller functionality.

Additionally, restarting the game and Steam can help ensure that all software components are running optimally, potentially resolving any conflicts that may have arisen during the initial launch of Granblue Fantasy Relink.

Step 5: Check for Updates

Ensure that both your game and controller drivers are up to date. Developers often release patches and updates that address compatibility issues with controllers, so keeping everything updated is crucial. Check for updates to Granblue Fantasy Relink and your controller's drivers to ensure that you're running the latest versions of both software components.

By regularly updating your game and controller drivers, you can benefit from performance enhancements, bug fixes, and improved compatibility, ultimately addressing any controller issues you may have encountered.

Step 6: Contact Support

If all else fails, don’t hesitate to reach out to the game’s support team. They may have specific troubleshooting steps or updates regarding known controller issues that can help resolve your problem. Game support teams are often well-equipped to assist with technical issues, and they may have valuable insights or solutions to address controller malfunctions in Granblue Fantasy Relink.

When contacting support, be sure to provide detailed information about the issues you're experiencing, including any relevant error messages, controller types, and steps you've already taken to troubleshoot the problem. This will help the support team understand the nature of the issue and provide targeted assistance.

We hope these tips on How To Fix Granblue Fantasy Relink Controller Not Working. Remember, troubleshooting technical issues can be frustrating, but with a little patience and these friendly tips, you'll hopefully be back to enjoying seamless gameplay in no time!

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