Where to Find Gotham Street Art in Gotham Knights?

Angel Marquez
2022-10-26 22:21:47

With our guide, you will learn more about Where to find Gotham street art in Gotham Knights.

What to know about Gotham street art in Gotham Knights?

These are collectibles that are presented in the game, being a total of 12 of these throughout Gotham City, it will allow us to access different rewards and looking to complete the game 100 percent, it is necessary to be aware of where to find them and to have the details let's closely follow the following content.

Where to find Gotham street art in Gotham Knights?

The details of each of the 12 street arts will be presented, and these are as follows:
  • Faces of Gotham: This one is found in Cauldron, Belfry Southwest, Paris Island Southside, focusing on the bridge.
  • The March of the Crabs: The location of this one we have at Robinson Park, Shelley Avenue, Chambers Street Bridge and Saul Erdel Planetarium Westside.
  • Simpler Times: Via Old Gotham, between Crowne Avenue and the intersection point of Rosserie Street, Gotham City Cathedral Eastside.
  • Stolen Gotham – Found in the Cauldron Outskirts Western, between Diangelo Avenue and the water.
  • GCU: Found in Gotham Heights, Aparo Bridge Rightside, and Exhibition Avenue's Far Westside.
  • See us: in Bristol between the buildings on Robbins Bridge Westside, precisely Beacon Street Westside, Mercey Avenue Northside and Exhibition Avenue Southside.
  • Gotham Piers: we find it on TriCorner Island, between Hawkins Avenue and St. Adrian Avenue, being the precise point of its location Fort Dumas Northeast and Statue of Justice Southeast.
  • Lyceum Mural: We have it around the Bowery, Robbins Bridge Southend and Knightsdome Sporting Complex Northwest.
  • Origins of Evil: It is located in Otisburg, between the intersection points of Gardner Street and Park Row West-end, being precisely in the Knightsdome Sporting Complex and Wayne Tower.
  • A Green Gotham: In the Financial District, between Gate Street and the intersection point of Barr Avenue, Belfry Westside.
  • Our friend Joel: In the West End, North Madison Street, between the Chelsea Tunnel and the Gotham City Gazette.
  • Born This Way: On the West-end, where Grant Lane turns to transform Croydon Avenue, Gotham City General Hospital Southwest.

 We can conclude that knowing where to find Gotham street art in Gotham Knights is easier than thought, you just have to follow the directions to achieve it.

Platform(s): PlayStation 5 PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Windows PC
Genre(s): Action role-playing
Developer(s): WB Games Montréal
Publisher(s): Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Release date: October 21, 2022
Mode: Single-player, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI): 16+

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