We embark on a quest to tell you Where to find all Hel's Tears in God of War Ragnarok.What are Hel's Tears in God of War Ragnarok?
These are some holes that are open and that have arisen because Atreus has released Garm, a giant wolf in Helheim and who is usually tasked with opening holes between the realms, this causes a large number of undead to be released, in this sense, it becomes important to take care of locating these 56 tears to close them and by doing so to be able to progress through the story.
Where to find all Hel's Tears in God of War Ragnarok?
Tear 1 – 2: these first ones cannot be lost and they usually occur during the main story of the game, the first one usually occurs in Sindri's house, which Freya and Atreus have managed to close together, but it is not the location, this leads us to the second one that usually occurs while Kratos and Atreus are in Helheim, Atreus closes it himself, only this is done after completing the Reunion story where we are allowed to roam the world.
Tear 3: the search continues and here we will have to use the Mystic Gateway, this usually occurs near the entrance to The Trond on the path to the Tower of Light, we must walk a little more.
Tear 4: this usually makes us go to the top of the hill in the Well of Urd where Kratos and Freya have visited the Normas.
Tear 5: getting it makes it necessary to move to Svartalfheim in the Aurvangar wetlands, here we will have to be near the middle of the area, so it is important to use Mystic Gateway at the beginning and then take a boat to the center, specifically to reach the right side of the river.
Teardrop 6: This is the last quest task to run and it takes us to Vanaheim, this makes it necessary to move to the entrance of The Southern Wilds outside of the first Mystuc Gateway we used to access the area with Freya near the start of the game.
Now that you know Where to find all Hel's Tears in God of War Ragnarok we must launch you into this search area and thus move more comfortably through the game.
Platform(s): PlayStation 4 PS4,PlayStation 5 PS5
Genre(s): Action-adventure, hack and slash
Developer(s): SIE Santa Monica Studio
Publisher(s):Sony Interactive Entertainment
Release date: November 9, 2022
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