Angel Marquez
2023-09-07 02:26:14

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Master by following our comprehensive guide to How to Find All Fontaine Enigmatic Page in Genshin Impact. 

Welcome, fellow travelers of Teyvat! In this guide, we will help you uncover the secrets of the Fontaine Enigmatic Pages in Genshin Impact's quest, "The Book of Esoteric Revelations". These pages hold valuable knowledge and can be obtained by completing various quests and exploring different locations. So let's embark on this thrilling adventure together!

Starting Point and Questlines:

To begin your search for the Fontaine Enigmatic Pages, head over to Merusea Village where you'll find Canotila. She is your key to starting the questline. Speak with her, and she will provide you with valuable information on where to find these elusive pages. Make sure to pay attention to every detail she shares!

Narzissenkreuz Questline:

Completing the Narzissenkreuz questline is crucial in obtaining some of the Fontaine Enigmatic Pages. This questline will take you on a journey filled with puzzles and challenges that will lead you closer to uncovering these hidden treasures. Follow the questline step by step, solving puzzles and overcoming challenges along the way.

Ancient Colors Questline:

In addition to Narzissenkreuz, embark on the Ancient Colors questline. This captivating journey will take you through breathtaking landscapes and ancient ruins that hold clues to unlocking more Fontaine Enigmatic Pages. Explore these ruins and unravel the secrets they hold.

Aqueous Tidemarks World Quest:

To further progress in your search for these pages, complete the Aqueous Tidemarks World Quest. This quest will take you to new areas and introduce you to NPCs who might hold vital information about the whereabouts of these precious pages. Interact with these NPCs and gather as much information as possible.

Locations of Fontaine Enigmatic Pages:

Read Also:

  • Beryl Region: Discover one of the pages hidden within this region's enchanting beauty. Explore the region thoroughly, interact with NPCs, and solve puzzles to find this page.
  • A Very Warm Place: Uncover another page in this mysterious location that holds its own secrets. Explore every nook and cranny of this place to find the page hidden amidst its warmth.
  • Beastly Rift: Brave the dangers of this rift to find another Fontaine Enigmatic Page. Overcome the challenges and enemies that await you in this dangerous location.

Pneuma Block Puzzle:

Visit the Institute of Natural Philosophy and solve the Pneuma Block puzzle to reveal the fourth page. This puzzle requires your wit and observation skills to overcome. Pay attention to the patterns and symbols to solve it successfully.

Institute of Natural Philosophy Final Room:

Continue exploring the Institute of Natural Philosophy until you reach its final room, where a sixth page awaits your discovery. Be prepared for surprises along the way, as this room may hold additional challenges and puzzles.

Annapausis Ruins:

Venture into the Annapausis ruins, where the seventh Fontaine Enigmatic Page is hidden among ancient relics and forgotten memories. Explore these ruins thoroughly and interact with the environment to uncover this hidden page.

Narzissenkreuz Ordo:

As you progress through the Narzissenkreuz Ordo, keep an eye out for the eleventh page in one of its intriguing chambers. This page may be closer than you think, so be thorough in your exploration and observation.

Canotila's Hideaway:

Finally, visit Canotila's hideaway to uncover the twelfth page. This location offers solace and tranquility amidst your adventurous pursuits. Take your time exploring this hideaway and interact with Canotila to find this final page.

Last Page from Xana:

To complete your collection of Fontaine Enigmatic Pages, seek out Xana in Merusea Village. She holds the last page and might have more surprises in store for you. Speak with her and complete any additional tasks she may have before she hands over the page.

Congratulations on finding all twelve Fontaine Enigmatic Pages! Your determination and perseverance have paid off, unlocking a wealth of knowledge within "The Book of Esoteric Revelations" quest in Genshin Impact. We hope this guide has been helpful in your journey, and may it inspire further exploration and discoveries across Teyvat! Happy hunting!

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Action role-playing
Release date:
September 28, 2020
Single-player, Multiplayer
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