Edelmira Leon
2021-08-11 20:11:32

Garden Story has just launched, and we are ready to tell you how to get the pick, so pay attention.

What is the selection in Garden Story?

It corresponds to a flexible and reliable collection tool, with which Concord can be made in the game.

How to get the pick in Garden Story?

To obtain the pickaxe it will be necessary to leave your home in the kindergarten and head southeast across the Riverway to Spring Hamlet using the map Plum gave the grape.

Upon arrival, Concord will find Plum waiting outside Woodforge. Inside Concord will meet Granny Smith, who after a moment will give you the pick, with which you can defecate, collect resources and more, by pressing the Z key or the X button for Concord to charge his swing and attack.

 That's all you need to know about how to get the pick in Garden Story and now that you know it, we hope you get the most out of this tool in the game.