Ambar Jimenez
2018-12-02 23:18:18

The figure is even more spectacular if we take into consideration that this study does not reflect the download through Xbox Game Pass, a tool through which thousands of Xbox One users have been able to access the title since the launch without having to buy a copy. In fact, compared to Forza Horizon 3, the new delivery also wins. The previous episode of the arcade speed franchise sold 418,938 units in its first days, some 60,000 copies less than Forza Horizon 4.

According to the portal, 223,134 units have been sold in the United States, representing close to 46% of the total sold. 195,885 are from Europe, distributed among 70,938 games sold in the United Kingdom, 34,117 in Germany and 30,038 in France. The premiere in Japan has been settled with 2,063 copies. There is no concrete data on Spain or Mexico at the moment.