Anthem Cataclysm: How to Spawn Valkyries - Valkyries Guides - Ultimate Guide

Daniel Hidalgo
2019-08-07 21:35:02

Anthem Cataclysm the new EA video game update is now available, this time we will tell you how to generate Valkyrie.

What are the Valkyries of Anthem Cataclysm.

These are enemy spawners which will fight against your team and against you, although they will only be activated by certain actions, activating the spawning and defeating them will allow you to unlock the trophy and get many more points at the end of each event.

How to generate Valkyrie in Anthem Cataclysm.

How to generate Valkyrie Fury and Magnus in Anthem Cataclysm.

To generate Fury and Magnus, you will have to do it while being in the Eye of Magnus event, it is not easy to get both at the same time, so, if that is your goal, make sure you take a large amount of resources with you.

To get Fury you will have to kill a lot of mafia enemies, while with Magnus you will have to activate crystal rods and crush the crystal in 55 seconds.

How to generate Valkyrie Brita in Anthem Cataclysm.

The first thing you have to do is go to Britaheim where you will have to get Echoes to remove the glass shield with the devices. Before removing the glass remove an Echo from any device for Brita to appear.

Do not destroy the glass without having destroyed Eco first, otherwise you will have to start the process again.

How to generate Valkyrie Casja in Anthem Cataclysm.

Go to Forge of Casja, take the four relics and walk through the Fields of Suppression as many times as necessary until Casja appears.

How to generate Valkyrie Diana in Anthem Cataclysm.

Go to Dianna's Landing and finish with Riftmaster and get the key to reactivate the glass panels. Then look for the panel that is in a building north of the glass, in that panel is where Diana will be generated.

How to generate Valkyrie Kelrik in Anthem Cataclysm.

Go to Castle Kelrik and complete the requirement in which you have to complete the Symbols with the Arcanist Orbs for Kelrik to appear.

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