Mariah Carey is going to make a grand entrance in Fortnite and deliver a holiday surprise for all.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the beloved Christmas classic, and Mariah is commemorating the occasion with a special appearance in Fortnite. Discover the iconic holiday anthem by locating the singer on the map in battle royale. She’s ready to deliver a performance just for you, along with a unique emote as a token of appreciation for your support.
In order to unlock the Mariah Carey "All I Want for Christmas" emote in Fortnite, simply find her in a match during Winterfest 2024. She will invite you to use it there and then she will dance and perform her song, giving you the opportunity to dance along with her.
The best option is to drop at her location at the start of the match and then continue with the rest of the game as you normally would. Unfortunately, there is a twist for this scenario.
This emote cannot be freely unlocked within your inventory currently. Instead, it's an emote belonging to her Icon Series and requires buying. For now, the emote seems exclusively available when you are standing next to her during the performance of her at the start of a match.
"The Mariah Carey Bundle includes the Santa Suit Mariah Outfit, inspired by the classic 'Merry Christmas' album cover art and the gold Mariah Carey Outfit, inspired by 'The Emancipation of Mimi album cover art – both LEGO Styles. Also includes the All I Want for Christmas Is You Emote and more," Epic Games told Dot Esports. Mariah's chartbuster, 'All I Want For Christmas Is You,' has now landed as a Jam Track in the Shop!
Upon the discovery of the Mariah emote through data mining, many mistakenly believed it would be a lasting gift. Regrettably, it’s exclusively offered for free during her performance at the start of matches. It’s still available, but you’ll need to grab it from the store using V-Bucks when the Mariah Carey bundle launches.
Get out there and find the ultimate spot on the Fortnite Island to join her for some festive dancing and holiday cheer.
Head to Mariah, who can be found within the mountain range southeast of Brutal Boxcars. It'll be pretty easy to see on the map, marked by a large circle, where she can be found at the center of a giant block of ice that spawns at the start of every match.
As you enter a match, the location glows bright hence easy to spot. You'll know you're in the right zone when you see the message "actions are blocked in event area" at the bottom right of your screen. This is a fortunate situation since no one can mess with you, so enjoy it while it lasts.
When Mariah bursts out of the ice block and begins to perform her iconic song you'll have the emote which plays out while dancing with her through the song-it's the only emote in your entire emote wheel-but by song's end and when she disappears, she launches you into the rest of your match.
That's the last you'll see of the emote until it hits the Fortnite Shop when the release date arrives. It's not to be missed! The Fortnite Shop refreshes daily at 6pm CT. Make sure you head on over and scoop up that emote with your V-Bucks, if you want to keep it for good once the holidays - and Winterfest - are over.
Now that you know How to get the Mariah Carey emote in Fortnite, follow this guide step by step and you will find it easily, try it.