Lidia Rozo
2023-12-18 05:49:29

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Master the art of How to Damage Players With Thrown Items in the Ship It Express LTM in Fortnite with expert tips and strategies.

Fortnite is a game that never fails to offer something new and exciting to its players. The Ship It! Express LTM is one of the most popular modes among the Fortnite community. This mode is all about delivering packages and items to different destinations while fighting off enemies and avoiding obstacles. However, one of the most important aspects of this mode is understanding how to damage players with thrown items. This blog post will help you understand how to damage other players using throwables and provide some tips and tricks to help you succeed.

How to Damage Players With Thrown Items in the Ship It Express LTM in Fortnite

The Best Throwables in Ship It! Express LTM

Throwables are weapons that can be thrown at enemies to deal damage. In Ship It! Express LTM, there are two throwables that are particularly effective: the Mythic Goldfish and the Remote Explosive.

The Mythic Goldfish is a rare and powerful throwable that can deal up to 200 damage when thrown at enemies. Unlike other throwables, it has a very low drop rate, so it's crucial to make the most of it when you find it. One of the best ways to use it is to throw it directly at your enemies during a fight. However, since it's a rare item, you'll need to be strategic about when and how you use it.

The Remote Explosive is another effective throwable in Ship It! Express LTM. It can be placed on walls, floors, and ceilings, and can be detonated remotely. This makes it a versatile weapon that can be used to set traps for enemies or destroy obstacles. You can also throw it directly at enemies, but it requires a bit of skill and timing. The Remote Explosive is especially useful when you're trying to protect a package or stop an enemy from stealing your package.

AoE Shield Throwables for Tight Spaces

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Another type of throwable that can be effective in tight spaces is the Shield Bubble. The Shield Bubble is an area of effect (AoE) throwable that creates a protective bubble around you. This bubble can protect you from enemy fire and damage, allowing you to quickly heal or revive a teammate. It's especially useful when you're in a tight space and need to defend yourself from multiple enemies.

When using the Shield Bubble, make sure to throw it in the right location. You'll want to place it in an area where enemies are likely to attack or where you need to defend a package. However, keep in mind that the Shield Bubble doesn't last forever, so you'll need to be strategic about when you use it.

Don't Forget About Self-Damage!

It's important to remember that throwing items can also damage yourself if you're not careful. Explosives like the Remote Explosive can cause significant damage to you if you're too close when they detonate. Additionally, the Mythic Goldfish can also cause self-damage if you don't aim it correctly.

To avoid self-damage, make sure to throw explosives from a safe distance. You'll also want to practice your aim with the Mythic Goldfish to ensure that you're hitting your target and not yourself. Remember, it's better to miss a shot than to damage yourself in the process.

Completing the Challenge and Claiming Rewards

As part of this year's Fortnite Winterfest celebration, there is a challenge that requires players to deal damage to players with thrown items in Ship It! Express LTM. To complete this challenge, you'll need to select the mode under "By Epic" and start playing.

Once you've completed the challenge, you'll be able to claim some great rewards, including a snowflake emoticon, a snowball toy, and much more. To claim these rewards, simply visit the Winterfest Lodge and open the presents under the tree.

In conclusion, understanding how to damage players with thrown items is crucial if you want to succeed in Ship It! Express LTM. The Mythic Goldfish and Remote Explosive are the two most effective throwables in this mode, and the Shield Bubble is also useful in tight spaces. However, it's important to remember that throwing items can also damage yourself if you're not careful. By following these tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to dominating the competition in Ship It! Express LTM. So go ahead and give it a try, and don't forget to claim those rewards while you're at it!

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