Lidia Rozo
2021-09-09 09:57:40

F.I.S.T. Forged in Shadow Torch has quests, and that is why we tell you where to find all the plant seeds in the lower torch tower.

What are seeds in F.I.S.T. forged in Shadow Torch?

These are nothing more than a type of collectible that is usually present in this game and that giving them to Pippin an NPC usually rewards us with some considerable improvements for our objects or failing that with money, in this sense, it is usually favorable to embark on this search to give you all the necessary indications we are here.

Where to find all the plant seeds in the lower torch tower in F.I.S.T. forged in Shadow Torch?

It should be noted that the seeds are usually found scattered in different areas in the Torch, for this we must be properly equipped with objects and of course with skills, in this sense, we embark on this search in this way:
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Seed 1: it is necessary to use fans to be able to propel ourselves to the tower at the far right, by staying quite low we are allowed to get the plant seed, this usually occurs as long as we have the Drill, this because it is usually essentially the ability to plan.

Seed 2: to get this seed it is necessary to do a double jump and run up to get closer to a higher platform, there it will only be enough to run to the left to get the plant seed, this usually occurs inside the Torch tower before the terminal, where we get to see the vent below us.

Seed 3: we leave the terminal and move to the right, we will continue going up until we reach the room that usually has lasers, we are allowed to go up to the platform from below, considering that we must be careful with the lasers so that they cannot touch us, there are some players who can do it in a safer way and this implies returning later so that the Dash can go through the lasers to take the seed.

This is all you need to know about where to find all the plant seeds in the lower torch tower, so we invite you to embark on this quest and access the rewards that only F.I.S.T forjado en Shadow Torch can offer you.