Angel Marquez
2021-07-08 21:30:25

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Find out how to get Hellcat Power Armor to advance in Fallout 76.

What to know about the Hellcat Power Armor in Fallout 76?

To get to it, we have to go through the steel rein and the Catalyst missions, then having the plans to manufacture the whole of it at the manufacturing station, now more details on how to obtain it come next, let's see them.

How to get Hellcat Power Armor in Fallout 76?

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Before getting this armor we have to complete the steel rein mission, then we will be rewarded with flat lis and power armor, we can improve it with legendary mods to add special effects, then we can reach some statistics such as the following for each of the pieces.


  •  The helmet: blast resistance 68, energy resistance 48, radiation resistance 48 and the effect that the armor will have is the prevention of damage and disease transmitted by air and water.
  • Legs: blast resistance 68, energy resistance 48, radiation resistance 48 and the effect this has is to reduce incoming ballistic damage by 2 percent.
  • Arms: blast resistance 68, energy resistance 48, radiation resistance 48 and the effect this has is to reduce incoming ballistic damage by 2 percent.
  • Torso: blast resistance 96, energy resistance 80, radiation resistance 80 and the effect it has is to reduce ballistic damage by 2 percent.

 Now that you know how to get a Hellcat Power Armor, just go ahead and make the most of this important resource at Fallout 76.

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