Lidia Rozo
2023-07-20 03:27:34

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Discover How cross save and cross progression works in Exoprimal and save data between different platforms.

When it comes to gaming, one of the most frustrating aspects is starting over from scratch when switching to a new platform. However, with the advent of cross save and cross progression features, players can now transfer their progress seamlessly to different devices. In this blog post, we will explore how cross save and cross progression work in Exoprimal, a popular game developed by Capcom.

 Saving and Transferring Progress

In Exoprimal, players' progress is saved through the Capcom ID cloud storage. This means that your game data is securely stored online, allowing you to access it from any platform. To transfer your progress to a new platform, simply follow these steps:

  • Create a Capcom ID: If you haven't already, create a Capcom ID account and link it to your game account.
  • -Sign in to your Capcom ID: On the new platform, sign in to your Capcom ID using the same credentials.
  •  Transfer Data: Navigate to the settings menu and select the option to transfer data. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the transfer process.

It's important to note that the compatibility of Xbox and PlayStation ecosystems with Exoprimal servers may vary. Make sure to check the official Exoprimal website or contact customer support for specific details regarding your platform.

 Limitations and Considerations

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While cross save and cross progression offer a convenient way to transfer your progress, there are some limitations and considerations to keep in mind:

  • Changes in Settings Menu: Changes made in the Settings menu on the original platform, such as control configurations or display settings, won't be carried over to the new platform. You'll need to manually adjust these settings on the new platform.
  •  Add-On Content: Add-on content, such as downloadable expansions or cosmetic items, can be carried over between different versions of the game. This means that any purchases you made on one platform will be available on the new platform as well.
  • Achievement Progress: In most cases, achievement progress should carry over between platforms. However, there may be some exceptions depending on the specific achievement system of each platform. Consult the Exoprimal support or the platform's official documentation for more information.

Cross Save on PlayStation

For PlayStation players, there are some additional considerations when it comes to cross save:

  • Trophy Progress Transfer: When transferring progress from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5, it's important to note that trophy progress may not transfer completely. Some trophies may require specific actions or conditions to be met on the new platform. Be prepared to unlock specific trophies by playing the game on the new platform.
  • Progress-Based Trophies: Progress-based trophies earned on the original platform may unlock on the new platform as well. However, this may vary depending on the game and the specific trophy requirements. Always double-check the trophy list on the new platform to see which trophies you still need to unlock.

In conclusion, cross save and cross progression features in Exoprimal allow players to seamlessly transfer their progress between different platforms. By following the simple steps provided and considering the limitations and considerations outlined in this blog post, you can ensure a smooth transition to a new platform without losing your hard-earned progress. Happy gaming!

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