No Man's Sky: Cómo resolver el rompecabezas monolítico Korvax - Guía definitiva

por 2019-08-19 23:24:47

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Aprende junto a nosotros a resolver el rompecabezas monolítico Korvax en No Man's Sky. Todos los detalles se mostraran mas adelante.

En esta nueva entrega de No Man's Sky, el videojuego de mundo abierto generado por procedimientos desarrollado por Hello Games, te estaremos mostrando algunas indicaciones que te serviran para que puedas resolver el rompecabezas monolítico Korvax, un tipo de reliquia misteriosa.

Cómo resolver el rompecabezas monolítico Korvax en No Man's Sky?

Para lograr resolver el rompecabezas monolítico Korvax en No Man's Sky, tendras que localizar monolitos haciendo uso del escáner de señal. Una vez que los consigas tendras que interactuar con ellos, asi que presta atencion porque te aparecera un cuadro de diálogo con una lista de respuestas, donde deberas elegir la respuesta correcta
dependiendo de los consejos que te de el Monolito, si lo logras con exito, recibiras una recompensa.

A continuacion te mostraremos todos lo monolitos que deberas localizar para poder resolver el rompecabezas monolítico Korvax en No Man's Sky:

  • Monolito 1: Te sentiras bastante débil y comenzaras a sentir que estas delirando. No debes desesperarte, manten la calma y espera. Si todo sale bien, seras recompensado con reputación de Korvax y el conocimiento de palabras nuevas.

leer también:

  • Monolith 2: On the planet's surface you will notice that some floating tetrahedra appear, let them come in to be able to receive Korvax's reputation reward, multi-tool plan and learn new words.

  • Monolith 3: to solve the Korolx monolithic puzzle of No Man's Sky you must resist the urge to sleep, since this will be the effect that the monolith will try to have on you. If you manage to resist you can overcome the power of the monolith by gaining full health.

  • Monolith 4: Try to copy each and every one of your movements. Make use of your multi-tool to gain Korvax reputation.

  • Monolith 5: Time will pass much faster than it should, you will find yourself trapped in a vortex of time. If you do everything right you will be rewarded with the word Atlas.

  • Monolith 6: Try to read the old glyphs, but be patient. If all goes well, you will be rewarded with Korvax reputation, two Korvax Words and Atlas word. Each time you will be closer to solving the Korolx monolithic puzzle.

  • Monolith 7: A chiselled hole will appear at the foot of the No Man's Sky obelisk. It is unknown what may happen, however, there are three blocks of equal dimensions that can be activated by a mechanism deep in the monolith. If you manage to insert 50 titanium you will get a suit model, Atlas word and Korvax reputation. If you insert 50 Crionsonite you will earn Mulitool, word Atlas, and Korvax reputation or you can even insert 50 plutonium for Korvax reputation and get Atlas word.

  • Monolith 8: take a little damage and receive units, to increase the Korvax representative and get Atlas word.

  • Monolith 9: you will be threatened by a potential assailant, you will not be able to speak, so you should go back and if all goes well, you will increase the Korvax representative.

  • Monolith 10: At this stage of No Man's Sky you must resist temptation, to increase Korvax's position, get Atlas word and a random object. Go to the past to get a new word from Atlas, complete healing. You have almost nothing left to finish solving the Korolx monolithic puzzle of No Man's Sky.

  • Monolith 11: In No Man's Sky you will get a mysterious stone that contains a bright red sphere, you will be tempted to pick it up, but you must resist and step back, since otherwise you will take damage and lose the Korvax representative.

  • Monolith 12: In this last stage you will get a child who will want to interact with you and ask you to stay with him. Just interact a little and then leave. If you do everything right, you can get as a reward word Atlas, a random element and of course Korvax representative increase.
Only then can you solve the Korolx monolithic puzzle in No Man's Sky. Good luck!

PS4, Microsoft Windows PC, Xbox One
Desarrollado por:
Hello Games
Distribuido por:
Hello Games
Kein Wert
Acción-aventura Mundo abierto
Un jugador y multijugador (en línea)
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