Cómo conseguir todas las espadas elementales en Citadelle des Morts en Black Ops 6


Te invitamos a descubrir Cómo Conseguir Todas las Espadas Elementales en Citadelle des Morts en Black Ops 6, una nueva tarea en este increíble juego.

Las armas maravillosas desempeñan un papel crucial en la experiencia de Zombies de Black Ops 6, y Citadelle des Morts continúa el legado de los mapas de Zombies de Call of Duty de primer nivel al ofrecer cuatro armas elementales. Cada arma cuenta con habilidades y diseños únicos, lo que las hace invaluables para crear y mejorar mientras intentas dominar las rondas más difíciles.

Si estás ansioso por usar el poder de las 4 espadas elementales en el mapa Citadelle des Morts de Black Ops 6, estás en el lugar perfecto. Esta guía completa está diseñada para brindarte toda la información esencial que necesitas para apoderarte de estas formidables espadas y derrotar a las oleadas de muertos vivientes.

Cómo conseguir todas las espadas elementales en Citadelle des Morts en Black Ops 6

Para obtener la Espada Maravilla en la Ciudadela de los Muertos, los jugadores deben activar la máquina Pack-a-Punch y acceder al área del Comedor, donde se encuentra Vulture Aid. Una vez que los jugadores hayan obtenido acceso a Pack-a-Punch, el siguiente paso es esperar hasta la Ronda 10, ya que es cuando aparecerán ciertos zombis. Los zombis que buscan los jugadores están adornados con cascos templarios, lo que les otorga inmunidad al daño por disparos en la cabeza. Derrotar a estos zombis distintivos garantiza la obtención de un Sello, que se puede utilizar en el Comedor en cualquiera de las cuatro estatuas de caballeros. Cada Espada tiene un propósito distinto para sus mejoras únicas. Aquí está la disposición cuando se mira hacia el Norte (con Vulture Aid a la vista):

  • Espada de ciervo/rayo (delante a la izquierda)
  • Espada del cuervo/vacío (ubicada en la parte posterior izquierda)
  • Espada de fuego de dragón (delante a la derecha)
  • Espada de León/Luz (ubicada en la parte posterior derecha)

Una vez que los jugadores adquieren un sello, pueden acercarse a la estatua de su caballero preferido y presionar el botón de interacción. Esta acción hace que el caballero presente su espada, lo que otorga a los jugadores un arma cuerpo a cuerpo dedicada: la espada. En esta etapa, se recomienda adquirir Melee Macchiato para mejorar el daño que produce esta arma cuerpo a cuerpo.

Desbloqueo de Caliburn: La legendaria espada de fuego del Caballero Dragón

After players have successfully retrieved the Dragon Sword from the front right knight statue, they should make their way to the Entrance Hall, home to Juggernog, and ascend the stairs where a dragon statue stands ready to greet them. Players will then be eager to draw the Dragon Sword and engage with the dragon statue, seamlessly sheathing the sword into the stone. Players are tasked with finding three blazing pyres and engaging with each one individually to transport it back to the dragon statue. Be advised that when you pick up the fire, players will incur 15 damage to their HP every second. It's highly recommended to grab Juggernog for added protection. Players can deliver a powerful one-shot punch to the zombies pursuing them in this segment, and successfully doing so will replenish their health.

Discover the first pyre located in the Ramparts, just above the Courtyard area, where players skillfully used the cannon to break down the door leading to the Entrance Hall. Players can easily navigate this direct route by jumping down from the Ramparts and making their way to the dragon statue.

The second pyre can be found on the South wall of the Nature Path in the Hilltop area, situated to the left of the spawn room. Navigating with this pyre is straightforward, and players are encouraged to make their way through the Hilltop area back to the dragon.

The third pyre can be found in the spawn area, specifically in the Town Square, positioned in the back right corner adjacent to the Rampage Inducer. Taking this route through the Village where Speed Cola is situated is the faster option.

Once players have inserted all three fires into the dragon statue, they can extract the sword from the stone, earning Caliburn a weapon that inflicts flame damage. Its special attack, activated with LT+RT/L2+R2/Left-Click/Right-Click, unleashes an explosive volley of three fireballs, reminiscent of cannon fire. For optimal results, consider having PhD Flopper when firing at close range.

Unlocking Durendal: The Lightning Sword from the Stag Knight

The statue on the front left proudly displays the Stag Sword, a weapon players can acquire to enhance into the formidable Lightning Sword, Durendal. To achieve this, players must gather 3 Lightning Rods. The first one can be located in the Hilltop area, propped against some crates next to Deadshot Daiquiri.

The second Lightning Rod necessitates either a Shock Charge or a Dead Wire Ammo Mod. Players need to target an electric box linked to an antenna located in the Upper Village, specifically near the East wall across from Speed Cola. By taking this action, you will remove the Lightning Rod.

The third Lightning Rod appears unpredictably; after players obtain the Stag Sword, a zombie may spawn with the Lightning Rod embedded in its ribcage, offering a chance encounter. Defeating the zombie and collecting the Lightning Rod will secure this achievement (Some players have reported better results by waiting for it to appear in the Dungeon).

After acquiring the three Lightning Rods, make your way to the Courtyard and proceed to the Hillside Ramparts, the upper level above Elemental Pop. Engage with the urn positioned on the pedestal to activate the Three Lightning Rods and conjure a storm. Players are now tasked with wielding their Stag Sword to slay zombies, all while anticipating a random lightning strike to electrify their blade. When the moment arrives, engage the urn up close. Complete this process three times. Afterward, players can engage with the urn to insert their sword, and then interact once more to retrieve it as Durendal.

Durendal delivers a shocking punch with its electrifying effects, and its special attack evokes the power of a Wunderwaffe DG-2, unleashing a lightning beam that arcs across multiple foes.

Unlocking Solais: The Light Sword from the Lion Knight

As soon as players grab the Lion Sword located at the back right of the statues, four glowing Parasites will instantly appear. Players should avoid eliminating these Parasites immediately. Instead, they should guide them through the Upper Village area, utilizing the small tunnel located across from Speed Cola. Players can eliminate them one by one using the Lion Sword, which will infuse their weapon with a radiant golden glow. Players can then hit the wooden door adorned with the lion knocker. By doing this, a symbol will be unveiled, and players must replicate this action four times with the four Parasites that emerge.

Engage with the door after positioning all four symbols, and you will be transported inside. To proceed, players need to engage with the central stone, inserting their Lion Sword, which will unveil a symbol embedded within the stone. Participants are given a thrilling 60 seconds to locate this symbol hidden throughout the room and take aim at it. Participants are required to perform this action four times, each with a unique symbol. The sequence must always be:

  • Dot within a circle
  • Eight-point star
  • Triangle
  • Circle intersected by a line

In this encounter, zombies will emerge at a leisurely walking pace. Stay alert, avoid them, and focus on shooting the right symbols. Making a mistake will simply require players to re-enter the room in the next round. Finish this step to witness all zombies burst into action, and the sword will be rightfully claimed as Solais.

Solais may not receive the appreciation it deserves as an Elemental Sword, yet when fully charged, it grants armor upon kills and strikes with its blade. This is perfect for vampiric siphon builds featuring Melee Macchiato. Its Charged Special Attack grants a fleeting aura of lethal protection around the player, but keep in mind that its duration is very short and shouldn't be depended upon to prevent damage.

Unlocking Balmung (The Void Sword) from the Crow Knight

Once you've secured the Crow Sword from the statue in the back left, make your way to the Alchemical Lab located in the room adjacent to Stamin-Up and Vulture Aid. Within these walls, players must meticulously search the shelves and desks to uncover a hidden bone. Players can now discover the bone, but the key focus is on locating it, collecting this Antiquity, and delivering it to the Tavern Cellar, conveniently situated at spawn.

Engage with the dial mounted on the wall in the Tavern Cellar to bestow upon it both the Antiquity and the Crow Sword. Players can once again engage with the rock they collected, allowing them to examine it more closely and rotate both the inner and outer rings. To solve this puzzle, align the fossil at the center with its corresponding symbols in both the inner and outer rings. Make sure the two symbols are positioned correctly when facing the hilt of the sword, which should be at the bottom (6 o’clock) on the dial.

Players should focus on the symbols that correspond to the bone located at the center of their tablet, ensuring they align with the Astrology, Zodiac, and elemental symbols. This table could be a valuable resource for players. Keep in mind that engaging with the tablet in the Tavern grants players immunity to zombies as they input their symbols:

At the heart of the design, we find elemental symbols representing the zodiac signs. A fiery triangle blazes for Aries, while a more ethereal triangle with a line signifies air for Gemini. Leo's fiery nature is echoed in the central triangle, while Scorpio's watery depths are depicted by an inverted triangle. Pisces, too, is associated with water, represented by another inverted triangle. Encircling these core symbols are evocative images: horns for Aries, raven skulls for Gemini, a menacing jaw for Leo, a venomous scorpion for Scorpio, and serene fish for Pisces.

This guide featured Scorpion, incorporating the Water symbol (an upside-down triangle) in the inner circle and the Scorpio (m) in the outer circle.

Players will recognize their correct answer submission when music starts playing and slow void orbs begin to appear. The orbs will pursue the player, and colliding with them inflicts damage. Therefore, it's crucial for players to lure the orbs into the void tears scattered on the ground. To create each void tear, you will require 3 orbs:

  • El desgarro inicial del vacío se puede descubrir en el sótano de la taberna.
  • El segundo desgarro del vacío se puede localizar en el primer piso de la Taberna.
  • El tercer desgarro del vacío se puede localizar en el segundo piso de la Taberna.

Al terminar la tercera y última lágrima del vacío, un orbe regresará al pedestal donde los jugadores colocaron la Espada del Cuervo, imbuyéndolo con la esencia de la sombra. Los jugadores ahora tienen la oportunidad de enfrentarse a él y apoderarse de Balmung, una Espada del Cuervo imbuida con los poderes del vacío y la oscuridad. El ataque especial de la Espada de la Sombra libera una lágrima del vacío en el mundo, que funciona como un Dispositivo Gersh que atrae a los zombis y los elimina instantáneamente. Sin embargo, su efecto es fugaz y tiene un impacto mínimo en las Amalgamas.

Podemos concluir que saber Cómo Conseguir Todas las Espadas Elementales en Citadelle des Morts en Black Ops 6 es más fácil de lo que crees, solo debes seguir lo que se indica para conseguirlo.

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