Keep going down this hall and the ones that follow until you see a metal gate and a black cat. Those who enjoy horror games featuring female protagonists will notice that the stairs they are currently using to reach the second floor are different from the ones they previously utilized.
To the left of the metal gate mentioned earlier is a pair of doors that players must pass through. The following steps should be taken by fans upon discovering those doors:
Take a right turn and go through the one wooden door up ahead.
The fans have relocated to a cramped workspace, where they will soon be required to access a cupboard in the far corner. At least for the time being, all players need to do is interact with the office's unlocked door, then go through it to get back to the hallway and the metal barrier we discussed earlier.
Next, players need to open the metal gate and go through it to reach a ledge that looks out over the entrance of the school. In order to get a good shot of the open chamber, players need position themselves on top of the blood streaks that they can see on the ledge when they pull out the camera. Looking down from this vantage point, fans will notice blood spots on the poles that resemble hanging figures; capturing a shot will allow them to see the girls in a more magnified form.
A key can be discovered in a desk, and that desk is located in a room on the first level, as seen in this comprehensive picture. Players can reach the appropriate room by following this path:
Players must confront the boar again after obtaining the Small Key; this time, they must use their cameras to stun it.
Now that players have captured a photo of the females hanging from the ceiling, they must go back to the cabinet they entered earlier. Indie horror game lovers can approach the cabinet in the following ways, for the sake of clarity:
Es posible que mueras varias veces mientras intentas derrotar al Fantasma Tijera porque la batalla es muy desafiante. Sin embargo, este video demuestra un método que los fanáticos pueden encontrar útil en su búsqueda para vencer al espíritu.
Una molestia que puede surgir durante el enfrentamiento con el Fantasma Tijera es que, por defecto, el limbo que los jugadores soportan al morir se alarga de forma constante con cada muerte. Sistema -> Configuración -> Configuración de experiencia -> Distancia de limbo fija es donde los fanáticos pueden encontrar la opción para evitar que el limbo crezca en tamaño.
Reúne las tijeras que el fantasma de las tijeras deja caer al suelo después de derrotarlo y luego regresa con ellas al jabalí del primer piso. A medida que los jugadores se acercan a la habitación donde se encontró la llave pequeña, se les indicará que corten las llaves del cuello de la bestia dormida. Esto recordará a juegos como Fatal Frame. Si quieres saber la historia completa, aquí te contamos cómo llegar al jabalí dormido:
Concluimos esta guía sobre Cómo conseguir la Llave de Jabalí en DreadOut, aquí tienes todos los pasos detallados, pruébalo.