Lidia Rozo
2023-04-05 07:58:02

Our guide on How to Keep the Dog in DREDGE will help you make the right choice. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your gaming experience.

Do you want to keep the Dog in DREDGE? As a player, you can choose to keep the Dog or refuse to accept him, depending on your preference. This decision will affect the outcome of the game, so it is important to choose wisely. 

Having a dog in DREDGE can be a great addition to your gaming experience. Not only do dogs provide companionship, but they can also be used for protection. Having a canine companion to accompany your character on their journey can make the game more interesting. Plus, it’s just cute to have a loyal four-legged friend by your side.

DREDGE is an open-world adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic world, where the player can explore, fight and make decisions that will shape their own story. At a certain point in the game, the player is presented with the opportunity to keep the Dog, a loyal companion that will help them on their journey. 

The Dog is not just a pet; he is also an invaluable ally. The Dog is an intelligent creature that can be used to scout ahead and detect enemies, while also providing protection during combat. He will also provide emotional support as the Player progresses through the game. Keeping the Dog is a wise decision, as it will provide a number of benefits in the long run. 

Steps to Keeping the Dog 

Read Also:

  • Bring the Dog to the Scientist Lady: The first step to keeping the Dog is to bring him to the Scientist Lady. She will ask the player a series of questions to determine if they are a suitable owner for the Dog. Once the player has answered the questions, the Scientist Lady will allow them to keep the Dog. 
  • Choose the Option to Keep the Dog:The next step is to choose the option to keep the Dog. This is an important decision, as it will determine whether or not the Dog will stay with the player for the duration of the game. Choosing to keep the Dog will ensure that he will be with the player for the rest of the game, and will provide a valuable ally during their journey. 

Keeping the Dog in DREDGE has many benefits. He is an intelligent creature that can detect enemies, provide protection during combat and provide emotional support. Keeping the Dog will provide a loyal ally throughout the game, and will make the Player’s journey much easier.

In this guide, we discussed the steps to keeping the Dog in DREDGE. We discussed why it is important to keep the Dog, and how to bring him to the Scientist Lady and choose the option to keep him.