Dragon Quest Builders 2: how to get rid of Sword of Ruin - Ultimate Guide

Lidia Rozo
2019-07-16 17:22:42

We have prepared for all a formula to end all the elements and to be allowed to get rid of the sword of ruin in Dragon Quest Builders 2.

Through the Dragon Quest Builders 2 game you will see that you can get some cursed elements and that they are very powerful but usually a little annoying, that once you have added them, it is difficult to discard them, on the other hand they present another negative aspect and that is that Half of the attacks usually tend to fail while you have those elements included which facilitates in the first instance because it does not allow the constructor to actually cause more damage.

Throughout the game there are possibly 3 objects that are cursed only if we follow the same complete original sequence of the Dragon Quest Builders 2 game, but for the moment this time we will only rely on one and it is precisely to get rid sword of ruin. that leads us to look for a way to decompose it for the moments.

How to remove the elements to get rid sword of ruin in Dragon Quest Builders 2?

If by accident or bad luck you got a damn component in Dragon Quest Bulders 2 and incorporated it, when you're going to eliminate it, the first thing that will happen is that they send you a warning message. If you see red letters that tell you that the object is cursed and can not be discarded, calm, take it easy.
Usually with the sword of ruin there are a couple of options to eliminate the curse and find again the ability to build other weapons

To discard a cursed object, you can use a potion that can be made at the work desk of the Island of Awakening. You only need a medicinal leaf and a silver to make, and by the time you can get the cursed items in Dragon Quest Builders 2, you should already have a lot of both. Instead of real annoyance, this curse is more like a backlash to Dragon Quest 2, and you should have no problem getting rid of it.

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