Today we bring you an explanatory guide on Where to Get the Dead Islands in Dead Island 2 Haus with precise details.
An ostensibly "secret" item known as the "Dead Islands" serves as the game's ultimate weapon in Dead Island 2. Most players will fail to notice the existence of the Dead Islands named mace weapon one of the strongest weapons in the game due to the enigmatic beginning of the quest line. If you're looking for the Dead Island 2 Haus secret mace weapon, this is your comprehensive guide.
You need to finish these objectives before you can obtain your hands on the Dead Islands secret mace weapon: A Disinvitation to Fail and an Ark to Climb. To earn the Dead Islands mace, you must first complete the main storyline, which is essentially Act 2 or Chapter 2 of the Dead Islands 2 Haus expansion, which is where the Ark of Ascension is located.
In the Serling Hotel lobby, as shown in the image above, there is a diary entry called "The Invitation for a Failure" that is resting atop a desk. One perplexing thing about the invitation is that it doesn't truly provide a mission to complete; hence, there is no goal or marker to tell you what to do.
The first step in reading the Invitation for a Failure is to access the journal tab. Given that most players will likely view the invitation note as merely supplementary lore at this stage, the fact that it appears in your journals tab rather than your quest page suggests that this is a secret task.
A snapshot of a floral ring with the words "Hello Failure" written on it serves as a clue in the note. Your final opportunity has been extended to you Show me what you're made of.
Return to the main lobby, locate the switches that go to the outside, and open them to solve the Invitation for Failure puzzle. Get rid of any zombies you encounter along the route if you can.
Outside, on the route between the two houses, as shown in the first picture, is where you'll find the yard. Find the blue flower circle by exploring the yard. The boss Taliah the Unworthy will appear simply by circling it. As you battle Taliah, zombies will spawn constantly, making the fight quite difficult. The key to avoiding zombie spawns is to avoid the grass. Jump on the park table by the yard and give Taliah a run for her money.
You will receive a quest for the Path of the Unworthy, which unlocks the Dead Islands secret mace, and the Invitation for a Failure journal entry will change once you beat Taliah.
At this point in the Unworthy quest, you will have a goal or landmark to aim towards. With your head in a jumbled state, just visit the next residence. To gain access to other rooms and the home itself, shoot these brains.
Enter the house and make your way to the attic. You can unlock the next region by destroying the brains that are blocking your way. You should be able to discover the first quest item Game One: Follow, Puke, Flush inside a candle-lit corpse in the attic once you reach that location.
Next, head down the lengthy corridor that will take you to the massive restroom. Zombies abound in this region, but you should focus on clearing the large Slobber so you can investigate the stalls in peace. Find the Game Two Listen, Crawl, Burn quest item by searching the stalls after you've slain the Slobber.
Then you should head to the part of the home that is in the woods where there is a massive burning or pyre. You may find the sign directing you to the restaurant close to the funeral pyre. Game Three: Kill, Steal, Absolution is the third and final quest item, and it can be found underneath this sign.
Upon further exploration of the pyre, you will come across two bosses: Ezra, the Last Failure, and Marco, the Final Test. You can get the Key to Absolution by defeating these bosses. As soon as you get the key, you must return to the attic in order to retrieve the first quest item.
You may make see the Chest of the Worthy just beside the lifeless body. Get the secret mace of the Dead Islands by using the key. Along with a Special Sauce blueprint, this completes the Path of the Unworthy quest path.
Finally, now that we know Where to Get the Dead Islands in Dead Island 2 Haus we will have to apply it to continue progressing in this great game.