Wo Sie alle Navia Travel Log-Standorte in Tower of Fantasy finden

durch 2022-09-02 08:32:32

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Die Aktion in Tower of Fantasy hört nicht auf, was uns dazu veranlasst zu erklären, wo alle Navia-Reiseprotokolle in Tower of Fantasy zu finden sind.

Was ist über Navia-Fahrtprotokolle in Tower of Fantasy zu wissen?

Dies sind Panoramapunkte, die über das Spiel verstreut sind, wodurch wir in jede Region der Karte mit ihrer Existenz gelangen. Wenn wir sie finden, haben wir Zugang zu einigen dunklen Kristallen und Erkundungspunkten und suchen dann nach Informationen, wo die gesamte Reise von Navia zu finden ist. Aufzeichnungen in Tower of Fantasy, lassen Sie uns die folgenden Details sorgfältig befolgen.

Wo finde ich alle Navia-Fahrtprotokolle in Tower of Fantasy?

Lesen Sie auch:

We are presented with the existence of 4 Navia travel records, for each of these you get 20 dark crystals and 20 exploration points, finding these conditions can be complex, so as for Where to find all Navia's travel records Navia at Tower of Fantasy we have the details for each record, and they are as follows:

  • Seventh Day Foreset travel record: we have this one to the north of the spaceship, we need to climb some hills, it being appropriate to climb starting from the ship, being close you have to find a round-shaped tower and at the top of this arrive to find the travel log.
  • Cetus Island Travel Log: To the northeast of the previous location we focus on a fortress, behind it on the edge of a cliff mat this travel log.
  • Selga's Travel Log: To the west of the spaceship located by the south of the Navia River, first locating the ship to go from here to the west of the cliff edge, there are enemies with a truck on the road and next to these there is a cliff in front of the river where the trip log will be.
  • Raincall Island Travel Log: This last one takes us north of the Banges Ominum tower, some hills passing through the northeast of a supply capsule, reaching the top we will notice our surroundings and the trip log with it.

We can now claim the reward for finding these logs, which is through the chronicle option in the pause menu.

In this way we finish our guide, now you know where to find all Navia trip logs in Tower of Fantasy, just enjoy it to the fullest.

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Entwickelt von:
Beijing Perfect World, Hotta Studio, Level Infinite
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Beijing Perfect World, Level Infinite