Where To Find the Anvil in Abiotic Factor

Paola Leon
2024-05-06 21:32:19

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Today we bring you an explanatory guide with everything you need to know about Where to find the anvil in Abiotic Factor

It's time to get the Anvil! This tool that appears at the beginning of your plans will be an essential element so you can build your weapons repair and salvage station.

Although it seems indispensable, from the first moment you break your first weapon, the Anvil becomes an almost mandatory item that you will need in your basic configuration.

It may sound a little tedious to have to search for it, but don't worry, as here you will find what you need to know about its location. Join us!

Where To Find the Anvil in Abiotic Factor

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Locating the Anvil in Abiotic Factor

The Anvil is a crucial tool for crafting in Abiotic Factor. Here's a streamlined guide for acquiring it:


Players must have progressed sufficiently to access Manufacturing West.


  • 1. Navigate to Silo 3:Within Manufacturing West, locate and unlock the doors leading to the elevator for Silo 3. Ascend using the elevator.
  • 2. Identify the Storage Room:Upon exiting the elevator, locate the broken control center door to your right. A map (Office Sector Level 3) should be nearby. Consult the map and identify the Storage Room situated directly opposite the Silo 3 passage.
  • 3. Secure the Storage Room:Proceed to the Storage Room marked on the map. Be prepared to engage two hostile entities within the room. Eliminate them to secure access to the Anvil(s).
  • 4. Retrieve the Anvil(s):Inside the Storage Room, inspect the metal crates. One Anvil is typically located on these crates. Additionally, examine the shelves for a potentially second Anvil. Secure both Anvils for crafting purposes.

Additional Notes:

  • The guide assumes players possess the necessary tools and skills to defeat the aforementioned hostiles.
  • This method allows players to acquire up to two Anvils within the Storage Room.

This is everything you need to know about Where to find the anvil i'm Abiotic Factor, following this guide it will surely be easier for you to find this essential element when playing. Once you have them, you can easily repair your weapons and continue enjoying the Abiotic Factor experience without interruptions.

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