Where To Find Holy Fire in Fallout 76

Lidia Rozo
2024-05-08 13:22:54

In this guide entry, we will explain everything you need to know about Where to find holy fire in Fallout 76.

What to know about finding holy fire in Fallout 76?

Before we get into this quest on Where to find Holy Fire in Fallout 76, we must make it clear that Holy Fire is a heavy weapon in Fallout 76 that, by default, is good for increasing total health. In addition to the legendary Vampire, Speed, and Duration modifiers, it is also a "cursed" weapon, meaning it does more damage than a normal flamethrower. However, it breaks down a little faster than normal, the advantages far outweigh its disadvantages. It should be noted that this weapon is quite rare, and it will take a lot of luck to obtain it during the Fallout 76 public events.

Where to get holy fire in Fallout 76?

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Holy Fire is one of the best weapons in Fallout 76, obtained through the Beasts of Burden event, which sometimes takes place in Sacramental Glade in the Cranberry Bog region. Like other event weapons, this weapon usually has a small chance to receive a reward from the player after achieving the final objective. During the Burdened Beasts event, we are also given the opportunity to obtain the Kablum Pump Shotgun and the Elder's Mark Submachine Gun.

  • The event is quite simple and consists of:
  • Get the explosives.
  • Open the Mothman cultist's warehouse.
  • Return stolen goods.

Once all the supplies have been loaded, we will be shown the legendary Ogua. Defeating it usually ends the event, and we may or may not get the Holy Fire once the rewards start dropping. Public events start somewhere in the Appalachian Desert every 20 minutes, although the same event will not occur twice in a row.

Holy Fire is very similar to Fallout 76's unique Fixer battle rifle in that we can replace its default legendary modifiers without losing its unique stats. No matter what modification we receive after using the weapon, it will always generate a higher base damage and a higher damage reduction rate than a normal flamethrower. The weapon can still be modified and will require normal flamethrower parts.

Even without mods, Holy Fire still has the ability to melt everything in its path if we use the right SPECIALISTS and perks. It has more ammunition than a normal flamethrower, but ammunition will be less of a problem when we carry this weapon on expeditions or in daily operations missions with multiple objectives. However, adding a better cannon or tank to the Holy Fire would greatly improve the long-term effectiveness of the weapon.

Now that you know where to find sacred fire in Fallout 76, you can embark on your search and thereby access a heavy weapon with great capacity to do damage.

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PlayStation 4 PS4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows PC
Entwickelt von:
Im Vertrieb von:
Bethesda, steam
Creation Engine
Computer-Rollenspiel, Battle Royale
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