So spielt man Storm Spirit in Dota 2



Entdecken Sie mit dieser hervorragenden und ausführlichen Anleitung, wie Sie Storm Spirit in Dota 2 spielen.

Storm Spirit ist bei weitem eine der heroischsten Figuren, die während ihrer Existenz in Dota 2 viele Veränderungen durchgemacht hat. Anfangs dominierte er jedes Spiel mit roher Kraft, wurde dann aber deutlich geschwächt und weist nun eine der niedrigsten Erfolgsquoten auf. Derzeit ist dieser Held im aktuellen Update in Hochform und weist selbst im Wettkampfspiel ein so harmonisches Gleichgewicht zwischen Gewinnquote und Popularität auf.

Storm Spirit ist dank seiner außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten einer der beeindruckendsten Helden, der im Spiel Dota 2 an Dynamik gewinnt. Wenn er in den frühen Phasen des Spiels gut abschneidet und am Ende der Laning-Phase eine gute Menge an Ressourcen sammeln kann, könnte er das Spiel selbst dominieren. Unser ausführlicher Storm Spirit-Build-Guide führt aufstrebende Spieler durch das Erlernen und Bezwingen dieses gefürchteten Helden in der Midlane.

Dota 2: So spielt man Storm Spirit

Storm Spirit ist ein Held mit Intelligenzreichweite und hat drei normale Fähigkeiten, von denen eine beim Erreichen von Level 6 freigeschaltet wird. Der Intelligenzzuwachs ist einer der größten im Spiel, aber obwohl er in die Kategorie Intelligenz fällt, sind die anderen Attribute von Anfang an hoch. Storm Spirit hat eine sehr begrenzte Angriffsreichweite und die geringe Geschwindigkeit in der frühen Laning-Phase macht alles noch schlimmer.

Nachfolgend erhalten Sie einen Einblick in seine Fähigkeiten:


  • Statischer Überrest: Erzeugt eine unbewegliche Illusion, die bei der Annäherung des Feindes explodiert und Sicht aus der Luft bietet, wenn man nicht angegriffen wird. Dies ist eines der besten Beispiele für Fähigkeiten, die verwendet werden können, um vorauszuspähen oder einfach zu überprüfen, ob Feinde durch Bereiche ziehen, die außerhalb Ihrer Sichtweite liegen.
  • Elektrischer Wirbel: Zieht alle Feinde näher heran und setzt sie für einige Zeit außer Gefecht. Dies ist sehr nützlich, um einen Kampf zu beginnen, und kann auch verwendet werden, um Formationen aufzubrechen oder aus einer dicht gedrängten Situation herauszukommen. Indem er Feinde näher heranzieht, kann Storm Spirit seine Fähigkeiten effektiver miteinander verknüpfen und seinen Schaden maximieren.
  • Überladung: Die passive Fähigkeit verleiht Storm Spirit bei seinem nächsten Angriff zusätzlichen magischen Schaden und verlangsamt das Ziel. Dies ist eine der Fähigkeiten, die den gesamten Schaden dieses Helden ausmachen. Sie kann entweder verwendet werden, um Gegner mit extrem geringer Gesundheit zu erledigen oder um Ärger zu vermeiden. In Kombination ermöglicht ihm Überladung, in extrem kurzer Zeit enorme Mengen Schaden zu verursachen.
  • Ball Lightning: Turns Storm Spirit into a projectile immune from damage for the time being while he's flying across. This is by far one of Storm Spirit's more versatile abilities, which can serve a number of purposes. Storm Spirit can use it to initiate fights or quickly retreat in case things get hairy, as well as to farm jungle creeps. All that by using Ball Lightning effectively, Storm Spirit is at an advantage over his opponents.

Facets Pick Before Match

  • Shock Collar: Invests Electric Vortex with a self-damaging attack and an Overload trigger. The aspect is perfect for those who want to play their role in disrupting enemy teams through focused damage. On the application of the self-damaging attack and with the triggering of the Overload, Storm Spirit will be able to force the enemies to retreat or use their defensive abilities.
  • Static Slide: Allows Static Remnant to be placed on the floor anywhere. This aspect is the best when players want to be highly aggressive and take the lead in the game. With placing Static Remnants at appropriate places, Storm Spirit is sometimes able to trap enemies or graciously manipulate the control of the game to their side.

Success Factor: Galvanized Charges

What makes Storm Spirit so unique is the Galvanized charges he receives from killing, adding to his mana regeneration by leaps and bounds, causing him to snowball into the later parts of the game. The more kills Storm Spirit gets, the more mana regeneration he will have to spam his abilities and dominate the battlefield.

In combination with his Galvanized Charges, the facets and abilities of Storm Spirit make him a very versatile playstyle. Want to be aggressive, dictating the pacing of the game? Want to play defensively, enabling your team? Storm Spirit has the tools for everything.

How to Make a Strong Storm Spirit

Storm Spirit constantly takes the role of a second position player in the central lane. The protagonist of this guide relies largely on a successful start and very seldom enjoys catching up on the lost advantages. Once some stages of improvement have been made and key items are acquired, the hero can become a real threat to the opposite team-especially for fragile support heroes who like to stand behind.

Skill and Talent Storm Creation of Skill and Talent Tempest The ability and skill of Spirit in Dota 2 are quite straightforward. Because your Static Remnant is very convenient for you to push your pack of minions to go up to the opponent's tower, this spell will kill a pack of neutral creatures in the jungle in just an instant. This is the skill that you must always develop to maximum level first.

By level 2, use a skill point in Overcharge; by level 4, use a point in Electric Vortex. By level 6, get your most powerful ability. After you have invested in maxing out Static Remnant, any overpoints use in Overload to increase your overall damage. Whenever an ability is used by the Storm Spirit, this power turns on, allowing you with your Ball Lightning to just spam it as long as you have enough Mana. Always remember to level up your ultimate and pick up talents whenever you can. Once other spells are maxed out, start dumping skill points into Electric Vortex.

When it comes to Talents, at level 10 take the +1.5 Mana Regen. Storm Spirit is one of the most mana hungry heroes in the game and the extra regeneration is too good to pass up. At level 15, take extra health, at level 20, take extended duration Electric Vortex, and finally at level 25 take double Overload Attack Bounce.

Item Progression

It is suggested that you start the laning phase with quite some spare Gold when playing Storm Spirit, so you can spend it in case you need it to complete your Bottle as fast as possible. The combination of Tango and four Iron Branches gives you enough statistic value to easily get the first kills in the game. If the lane harass is rough, you can sell one of your Iron Branches for a Faerie Fire. You or one of your teammates can also buy a Sentry Ward to check Runes and forests for possible ambushing by the enemy team.

In the lane, you're mostly worried about getting the Bottle as fast as possible. After that, you need to always keep an eye on Rune spawns, using it to fill up your Bottle for full health and Mana. This is Storm Spirit's main source of rejuvenation in the early game. Secondary items to get are Null Talisman and Boots of Speed.

Upgrade your Boots of Speed into as soon as you have enough Gold. After that, you'll have to make a choice to mull over. Witch Blade and Orchid Malevolence are both excellent options on Storm Spirit, and which one you choose will largely depend on the enemy lineup. Orchid Malevolence is better if you want to be aggressive, using the silence to your advantage for early game eliminations. Witch Blade will give your hero a serious damage boost because of how well it scales with Intelligence. If you're facing an enemy team that has plenty of crowd control, it may be a good idea to rush a Black King Bar early. It's very important that the first buy to invest in on Storm Spirit is a Kaya; it increases his Mana management quite a bit.

When you get these items in your inventory, selection for Storm Spirit opens up a lot. This champion loves Mana Regeneration increasers, so items like Linken's Sphere, Shiva's Guard, Parasma, Bloodthorn, and even Eul's Sceptre of Divinity sit quite decently on him. It's always good to consider the opponent heroes and purchase items that give additional edge over them. If your team lacks a little crowd control and if an enemy Position 1 Hard Carry is running amok in team fights, then it's a good idea to pick up Scythe of Vyse on your Storm Spirit.

Aghanim's Shard and Aghanim's Scepter upgrades for the hero are simply great. Thanks to Aghanim's Shard, it's now possible to force the activation of Overload and even share this power with nearby comrades to let them deal three strikes; in combination with the hero's level 25 talent, this allows for immense AOE damage during team clashes. Aghanim's Scepter turns Electric Vortex into an area-of-effect power, rooting several heroes in place. Both items work extremely well for Storm Spirit in different game circumstances.

It is a fantastic ride to be on while learning the art of Storm Spirit control.

Most of Storm Spirit's early game plan is done just by oscillating between lane and jungle, just roaming to build up his resources to complete his starting items. He is at his weakest during the laning stage of the game. Instead of trying to look for kills, try being on the safe side, steal the creep kills, and fall back towards the tower as you feel an ambush is near.

After a few levels with your Bottle, push the creep wave and fall back into the surrounding jungles to start amassing more gold and experience. Make sure to check the Rune spots for a chance to refill your Bottle. If the other team is contesting Runes heavily, consider buying Clarity potions to sustain your Mana. Once you are at level 6, you get your first major power spike. The ability to use Ball Lightning allows you to scale over any enemy hero on the map in a very short time. Adding a second friendly with you on their team will let you kill most heroes. Only take any kills if you can get away with no damage to yourself. Although killing enemies may be very rewarding and give a nice bump to your gold, you shouldn't waste too much time farming with him. When you are at level 6, you can call a friendly hero to your lane for them to kill the enemy Midlaner. Once you have all of your core items, then you can start to be more aggressive. Look out for fragile heroes that are in the back line during team fights and jump on them with Ball Lightning. Storm Spirit is able to inflict quite a lot of damage provided he has enough Mana. Just make sure that when you're farming, you aren't overextending yourself and end up too low on Mana. When the fight breaks out, you will want every last bit of it.

Wenn Sie Storm Spirit spielen, sollte das Töten von Roshan Ihre oberste Priorität sein. Dieser Held ist sehr gut mit der Aegis und das macht ihn zu einem der besten im Spiel. Dann können Sie aggressiver werden und sich auf der Karte bewegen, nachdem Sie Roshan getötet haben. Die einzige Schwäche von Storm Spirit ist die Tatsache, dass er auf Mana angewiesen ist. Falls das andere Team Sie ohne Mana findet, werden sie Sie sofort töten.

Aufgrund seiner komplexen Mechaniken kann es etwas schwierig sein, Storm Spirit in Dota 2 zu meistern. Um mit diesem Helden ein Experte zu werden, sollte ein Spieler scharfsinnig und entscheidungsfreudig sein, was für einen Anfänger eine ziemliche Herausforderung sein kann. Wenn die anfängliche Lernbarriere überwunden ist, wird der Weg natürlich viel einfacher und es ist einfacher, mit diesem Helden auf der MMR-Leiter nach oben zu klettern.

Wir hoffen, dass die hier aufgeführten Informationen zum Spielen von Storm Spirit in Dota 2 für Ihren Spaß und Ihre Fortschritte in diesem anspruchsvollen Spiel sehr hilfreich waren.

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