So erkunden Sie den Arcane Tower im Underdark in Baldur's Gate 3

Angel Marquez
2024-05-03 09:15:52
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Wir laden Sie ein, in Baldur's Gate 3 zu entdecken, wie man den Arcane Tower im Underdark erkundet, eine neue Aufgabe in diesem unglaublichen Spiel.

Wie erkundet man den Arcane Tower im Underdark in Baldur's Gate 3?

Als Erstes müssen wir einen Charakter auswählen, der durch die Türme läuft. Die Chancen, an den Türmen vorbeizukommen, sind viel größer, zumal viele Schutzhütten sehr eng sind. Ein Teammitglied muss möglichst mobil sein. Beispielsweise verfügt ein Mönch oder Barbar über eine zusätzliche Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit, und ein Schurke wie Astarion kann mit einer klugen Aktion zweimal losrennen. Eine gute Sprungweite ist ebenso nützlich wie die Zauber „Nebelschritt“ und „Geschwindigkeitstrank“.

Um an den ersten beiden Türmen vorbeizukommen, müssen wir uns hinter dem großen Stalagmiten vor dem ersten Turm verstecken und dann zum Sims rechts vom Stalagmiten rennen. Wir können nicht aufrecht stehen, aber wir können Sprünge nutzen, um aufzustehen. Danach müssen wir zur Statue laufen, die sich direkt über der Treppe des zweiten Turms befindet. Von diesem Punkt an besteht Ihre beste Option darin, zu den Pilzen zu springen, die sich auf dem Regal hinter dem zweiten Turm befinden. Ein Gruppenmitglied kann zum Ziel von Angriffen vom Turm aus werden, aber wir müssen die sichere Abkürzung zur Turmbasis nutzen. Das einzige Problem ist, dass diese Pilze zu weit entfernt sind, um sie durch einen Sprung zu erreichen, wenn unsere Gruppenmitglieder über normale Stärke verfügen. Wir müssen darauf achten, einen starken Charakter oder einen Charakter mit besonderen Fähigkeiten einzusetzen, der kommunizieren kann. Eine andere Möglichkeit besteht darin, den Turm zu betreten und auf die Pilze auf dem Sims südlich des Gebäudes zu springen. Im ersten Turmraum gibt es zwei weitere Geheimtürme, aber auch Säulen, die wir nutzen können, um einem Treffer zu entgehen. Allerdings ist die zweite Pilzgruppe weit genug entfernt, um großen Fallschaden zu verursachen, also müssen wir sie zuerst zum Nordbalkon bringen.

Hier gibt es eine Truhe namens „Common Chest“, die alles darin wie nutzlosen Müll aussehen lässt. Einer der „heiligen Gral“ in dieser Truhe ist tatsächlich Mystras Gnade, ein Paar Stiefel, die es dem Benutzer ermöglichen, Feather Fall zu verwenden. Dieser Zauber wird beim Abstieg vom Turm nützlich sein und wir können ihn nutzen und direkt vom Westbalkon auf den Boden springen.

Wie man Türme in Baldur's Gate 3 errichtet

Behind the tower is a tree with light green leaves. If we get too close to the plant's flowers, they will be trapped in an anti-magic field that prevents casting and, if we pick them up, we will take them with us. The door leading to the tower is closed, but we have a few options. The lock on the door is DC 15 and most of us characters can eventually get through, but there is also a small opening on the south side of the building that a small creature can fit through. We can enter a druid in wild form, such as a rat or a cat, as well as the familiar of a witch or wizard. Once inside, we can turn the lever next to the door to open it. Inside the tower is a large mysterious device with some withered blue petals next to it. That's a clue, as is the "Treatise on the Antimagical Properties of Sussur Flowers" found on a nearby table. To power the tower, we must take one of the Sussur Flowers and place it on the device. Click "Connect" and the turret will turn on and the secret turret will turn off.

Explore the tower in Baldur's Gate 3.

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Continuing on How to Explore the Arcane Tower in the Underdark in Baldur's Gate 3we can notice a secret door that leads to a staircase just outside the entrance to the base of the tower. The door cannot be opened from the outside, but we have many ways to get there. First, although the door blocks the view of the stairs, there is still enough space on the wooden stairs at the top for the player to use Mist Step and teleport us down. From there, we can pull the lever at the entrance to open the way for everyone. Secondly, by going deeper into the tower, we can find a magic ring called "Guiding Light". When the character equipped with this ring approaches the secret elevator, two new buttons will appear that will allow us to go down to the basement. Another thing we can do on the first floor is open the golden chest next to the teleportation panel to get the "Mysteries Revealed" necklace, which can use Detect Thoughts.

If we enter the basement, we can find a spare supply of Timmascus spores and Tongues of Madness, mushrooms that Omeluum needs to test the tadpoles. We can also obtain the Staff of Arcane Blessing, several magic items, De Hearst's Diary from the golden chest and a vial of Basilisk Oil. Let's make sure to check all the bookshelves in the tower, as many of them hide magical scrolls among the books, the cape on the base is shaped like a mushroom. This is another place where we can find the mushrooms that Omeluum craves. We can also search the shelves on the west wall to find a supply package and a damaged book. You have to read the book to understand the verse.

On the next floor there is an accessible entrance to the tower. We take everything from the normal chest if it is not already empty, and do not lose the scroll of magic armor or the silver cup on the railing. We must also place the dusty book on the north wall of the room. We read one more sentence. In one of the traveler's chests near the door we will find some useful potions, we will go up the stairs again to reach the private room floor. Let's be sure to check all the shelves for scrolls, and on the south wall is a chest containing gold and potion ingredients. In the southwest corner are some useful books and other items, including the Githyanki cipher disk. If Lae'zel is present, she will translate on the spot, but we can pick up the disk and bring it to camp for her to read.

We can also translate the disk ourselves using the careful cryptography of Tirsu, another Gith disk found on a nearby table. On the same table there was a piece of paper with another verse. Some of the most important things are on a large table in the corner. Paths into Darkness is a must-read and the handwritten text on the side contains clues to the fate of the tower's owner, go to the northeast corner to find a button on the wall. If we find an enchanted dog collar somewhere in the Underdark and put it on, some raw meat will fall off the button. Finally, we take the ring of the wizard's friend from the chest next to the bed.

Roof structure in Baldur's Gate 3

We climb again to reach the top floor of the Secret Tower. A character named Bernard will challenge the group with a line from The Road to Darkness, and if we have read the play, we can respond with another line. Bernard won't understand any other answers, and if the player says anything else, we may have to fight a difficult battle with a level 5 build and four animated suits of armor, Bernard also answers four other stanzas along the tower. The last one was on the repaired parchment on the table south of where Bernard was standing. This is what they do:

  • “How can I trust?”
  • "These blank pages..."
  • "There is light..."
  • "The silence continues..."
  • Bernard placed the guide ring on the table next to him. Bernard gives the speaker a powerful healing potion.
  • Bernard and the animatronic armor attack the group. Bernard hugged the speaker.

Besides Bernard, we can also find a bookshelf on this floor full of scrolls and broken machines that are ingredients for alchemy. We can now explore the basement if we haven't already (there's a shortcut from the roof to the basement via the Arcane Elevator when Pathlight is installed), but otherwise the Arcane Tower is no longer a secret.

This is all there is to know regarding How to explore the Arcane Tower in the Underdark in Baldur's Gate 3, having to apply the instructions to progress on this arduous path presented by this interesting and fast-paced game.

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Microsoft Windows PC, Stadia, macOS
Entwickelt von:
Larian Studios
Im Vertrieb von:
Larian Studios
6. Oktober 2020
Einzelspieler, Koop, Mehrspieler
Alterseinstufung (PEGI):