So erhalten und verbessern Sie alle Bögen in Black Ops 3 Zombies

Angel Marquez
2024-10-01 05:01:01


Dieses Mal sind wir mit einem Leitfaden zurück, der Ihnen erklären soll, wie Sie alle Bögen in Black Ops 3 Zombies erhalten und verbessern.

Man kann nicht anders, als Der Eisendrache einen Teil des Verdienstes für den erstklassigen Zombiemodus von Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 zuzuschreiben. In den Labyrinthen dieser Festung der Gruppe 935, Der Eisendrache, liegt der Bogen Wrath of the Ancients, eine Spezialwaffe in Call of Duty: Zombies, die mit vier verschiedenen Komponenten verbessert werden kann.

Spieler können in Call of Duty Zombies das herzzerreißende Ende ihrer geliebten Charaktere miterleben, wenn das Schicksal jeder Crew enthüllt wird.

Unten finden Sie eine Übersicht darüber, wie Sie das Original sowie alle anderen Elementarbögen in Black Ops 3 Zombies erhalten. Auch wenn es nicht einfach ist, sind die Schritte zum Aufrüsten der Bögen in Der Eisendrache – einer der besten Karten in Call of Duty: Zombies – so angelegt, dass jeder, der mehr Kraft möchte, sie leicht bewältigen kann.

Black Ops 3 Zombies: So erhalten und verbessern Sie alle Bögen

Die Wut der Alten

Als Wrath of the Ancients haben Spieler auf dem Schlachtfeld „Der Eisendrache“ von Black Ops 3 Zugriff auf 60 Pfeile, die explosiven Schaden verursachen. Spieler können diesen explosiven Schaden aufladen, um zwei Pfeile abzufeuern, die Zombies doppelten Schaden zufügen und für sie undurchdringlich sind.

Spieler müssen drei Drachenkopfstatuen finden, die über die Karte verteilt sind, wenn sie in Der Esiendrache erscheinen. Sie können die Drachenkopfstatuen an diesen Orten finden:

  • Es befindet sich im Hof, gegenüber dem Straßenbahnwagen vom Spawnpunkt aus, und möglicherweise in der Nähe der Burgmauer und der Mystery Box, nach Double Tap Root Beer.
  • Der Speed-Cola-Automat befindet sich im Mission Control, direkt über dem Kamin.
  • An der Wand gegenüber dem Werktisch im Bereich der Untergeschoss-Pyramide.

Um diese Drachenkopfstatuen zu aktivieren, müssen die Spieler zunächst alle Zombies in der Nähe eliminieren. Danach müssen die Spieler insgesamt acht Zombies füttern. Da der Drachenkopf immer nur einen Zombie auf einmal fressen kann, müssen Sie warten, bis er fertig gekaut hat, bevor Sie den nächsten Zombie töten. Wenn der Spieler alles richtig gemacht hat, stirbt der Zombie, indem er sich umdreht und vom Drachen verschluckt wird. Der Drachenkopf verwandelt sich wieder in Stein und zerfällt schließlich nach acht Zombies.

Spieler können das Grab eines Ritters besuchen, nachdem sie alle drei Drachenkopfstatuen fertiggestellt haben, indem sie durch die Missionskontrolle hinabsteigen und an Speed ​​Cola vorbei weitergehen. Der Bogen „Wrath of the Ancients“ schwebt unter dem Grab des Ritters und steht allen Spielern zur Verfügung.

Der Blitzbogen: Der Eisendrache's Erwerbsleitfaden

Oh, wie wundervoll!

Like the Wunderwaffe DG-2, the 75-arrow Lightning Bow shoots a sphere of electricity that can shock and even chain zombies. Use two arrows to charge each shot, and a thunderstorm will erupt, snatching up zombies and electrocuting them for ten seconds. Obtaining it is as follows:

After players have obtained the Wrath of the Ancients, they should ascend to the castle's rooftop to activate a Pack-a-Punch machine and turn on the electricity. At this point, aim your weapon towards the Clock Tower and fire the weathervane with the Wrath of the Ancients. When players do this, an arrow will appear from the wall, and they can retrieve it to advance to the next level.

Players will need to utilize the Wrath of the Ancients bow, armed with the shattered arrow, to target some pyres located outside the map's boundaries. The proper shooting of the pyre will be marked by the whirlwind of a great fire. Listed here are the three fire pits:

  • At the top of the castle, near the green computer terminals, hug the wall beside the Clock Tower. There, you'll find a shattered section of the wall. Look down, and you'll notice a bastion with an unlit pyre.
  • As you stand next to the tram at spawn, turn left by the KRM-262 wall purchase and stare out of the map to see an unlit pyre.
  • Reach the Rocket Platform from the Undercroft Pyramid room via the teleporter. The last campfire is located on the cliffside to the right of the rocket launch pad.

Step two requires players to descend into the Undercroft and stand on the four squares flanking the pyramid to activate the low-gravity zones. Players are now tasked with waiting for the gravity to drop before wall-running across five extended hexagonal runes that bear a wind carving. You have to run over all five of them without touching the floor, but luckily, the anti-gravity jumps make it easier to recover.

The following section will focus on three urns near Der Eisendrache that are notable for the lightning bolts that emanate from them. You can find these urns at three distinct locations:

  • Located in the room atop Double Tap Root Beer, adjacent to the L-CAR 9 wall-buy and the crafting bench.
  • On the Clock Tower's middle level, next to the stairwell and the communications desk.
  • On the floor, across from the teleporter, within the Rocket Launch chamber.
  • At these urns, players can transfer the souls of approximately five zombies. After killing a zombie, the player will know they have completed the task since they will no longer emit any souls. Players must charge the urns before drawing their bows to them, which will convert the electric current into an arrow. Then, they must shoot the arrow into each of the three pyres to transform the fire from burning to electric.

Go back to where the players found the shattered arrow and interact with the blue fog that has now settled into the area surrounding the weathervane.

The last thing to do is go back to the Undercroft, where the pyramid resides, and press the interact button on the box with the lightning bolt or tornado inscribed into it. In order to transfer souls, players must kill 20 zombies within this shrine. Doing so will award them with Max Ammo. When you've used up all the souls you can transfer, return to the box using your Wrath of the Ancients bow to get the lightning bow upgrade.

In Der Eisendrache, Where Can I Find a Fire Bow?

Ahmhogaroc Kreeaho-ahm

The Fire Bow has a 75-shot ammo capacity and each uncharged arrow it fires will cause a brief burst of lava to be released. At the same time, adversaries in the vicinity can take a hammering from an erupted magma ball that zombies are trapped in as you charge your shot. Obtaining it is as follows:

To release a broken arrow, climb to the top of the Clock Tower with the Wrath of the Ancients Bow in hand. Then, shoot the wall designated by the red symbol to explode part of it.

Go to the Rocket Launch location and wait for a rocket fire test while equipped with the broken arrow. Upon completion of the rocket fire test, proceed to the open area and, using the Wrath of the Ancients bow, blast the glowing red rock situated on the roof of the VMP wall-buy to your right. With any luck, the rock will burst and fly away. If that doesn't work, you'll only have to wait another two to five minutes for the rocket test.

Players may become frustrated with the next phase, but they need to remain patient and bring a lot of points. Players must now use their Wrath of the Ancients while hovering in midair while utilizing the Wundersphere to shoot three rings engraved into the floor in specified areas. If you manage to fire one of these rings while it's in the air, it will light up with flames.

  • It is recommended to use the Wundersphere from the Bastion to reach the first ring, which is located near the KRM-262 and Double Tap perk upon spawn.
  • Next to the green terminals and the Clock Tower is the second ring. Wundersphere is most conveniently located in the Lower Courtyard, between Double Tap and the L-CAR 9 wall-buy.
  • If you're taking the Wundersphere at the Kuda wall-buy in the Upper Courtyard, you should be able to reach the third ring on top of the castle by the Death Ray in the Bastion.

Whether you're playing solo or with a friend, hitting these is no picnic, and you'll need 500 points to activate each Wundersphere. To charge the bow and shoot it with immediate reflex to activate the ring, players should activate the Wundersphere while standing in their specific aiming spots.

The rings are now ready to go, so gamers can go to any of them and kill zombies from inside. Although zombies aren't required to be in the ring, players are. Once a player has killed roughly ten zombies, they will no longer be able to transfer souls between rings. At that point, they can ascend to the top floor of the Clock Tower and find a sign inside. After players find the sign, they need to find the fireplace on the map that corresponds to it. You can find the location of each symbol and its fireplace below:

  • You may find the appropriate ring beside the KRM-262 and Double Tap perk, as well as the Templar cross emblem in Samantha's room near the fireplace.
  • The fireplace under the dragon head statue in the control room is marked with an arrow pointing right with two triangles underneath. The Death Ray and Wundersphere can be used to find the matching ring.
  • Along the stairs in the Lower Courtyard, opposite the Mystery Box and Dragon Head Statue, you can see a fireplace with two right-angled triangles, an arrow pointing in the same direction, and two more right-angled triangles. Just outside the Clock Tower is the matching ring.

Once players have located their fireplace and symbol, they need to go back to the glowing fire ring nearest to the fireplace. A glowing filter will appear on the player's screen's edges as they enter the ring. Get to the fireplace by chaining your charged arrows. Players can create volcanic rocks by shooting charged arrows from farther away in the ring. Standing next to a rock causes it to emit the same glowing edges as the screen, allowing them to fire another rock. Before players are required to return to the ring, they have a total of four shots. The shot that is fired into the fireplace serves as the fourth and last shot. Holding down the interact button on the fireplace allows players to spawn a Max Ammo and chain their bullets, increasing their chances of success.

In doing so, they can collect a fixed arrow by interacting with a floating ball of lava near the Death Ray on top of the castle. To activate the red ring in the center of the pyramid, use the arrow to travel to the Undercroft and interact with the box there. Use the arrow to interact with the box, and then eliminate the twenty zombies standing next to it. When you're ready, put the bow from Wrath of the Ancients into the box to get the Fire Bow.

The Eisendrache Wolf Bow: A Guide on Obtaining It

You are a Kreemasaleet.

The Wolf Bow can hold 75 rounds of ammunition, making it a very powerful weapon. Charging the bow needs two arrows, but it summons phantom wolves to jump out of the arrow, damaging and slowing down zombies in its path, similar to a Thundergun. The Wolf Bow's particular usage is to deal damage and slow down zombies within the blast radius. Obtaining it is as follows:

Now that they have the Wrath of the Ancients bow, players need to find four paintings on the map and interact with them. The paintings appear in different places in every game, but the sequence in which they must be dealt with is consistent, and a soft instrument strum verifies that the player has performed the step correctly. If the sequence is messed up, gamers will still have to deal with all four:

  • Upon a throne sits the Wolf King.
  • A mounted knight
  • A castle amidst a mountain of fire
  • King Wolf and Arthur

Here are the places where you may find all four paintings:

  • Across from Speed Cola on the second floor of Mission Control.
  • On the second floor of the Clock Tower, next to the radio desk, beside the spiral staircase.
  • In the castle, halfway between Samantha's chamber and the armory, following the Dragon Statue Head.
  • From the Trophy Room, descend the steps leading to the Upper Courtyard.

After completing the correct sequence of interactions with all of the paintings, a wolf howl will sound, and a broken arrow may be located down the stairs to the left of the Undercroft. Get the Wrath of the Ancients Bow, teleport to the Rocket Launch location, and then go outside to the right of the launch pad. Shoot the red flag that's above the exit door once you have the arrow in your hand.

Players must retrieve a wolf skull that appears after shooting the red flag. Then, they must go back to the side of the box in the Undercroft, near the Pyramid, and look for the one with two wolf heads carved into it. To call upon a ghostly wolf, make contact with the skeleton on the right side of this container.

At this point in the game, you must pursue the spectral wolf until it stops moving and starts digging. After it finishes excavating, you can fill the dirt with the souls of 10 zombies in this region. When that happens, the dog will keep digging in the same area, and players can remove the blue light by interacting with it. Just follow the wolf to its three designated positions in the Courtyard, beside Double Tap, and the Undercroft; you must complete this a total of three times. When things become crazy, you can reset the wolf's last dig spot by interacting with the box again.

Upon completion of all holes, the wolf will proceed to paw at a wall within the Undercroft. Now that players have engaged anti-gravity by stepping on the four square panels on the floor on either side of the Pyramid, they must wait for the effect to take effect. Jump to the spot where the wolf is pawing while using anti-gravity. Then, in the open crypt, shoot at the symbols of wolf heads to create a platform. Once the platform has spawned, step on it while holding the interact button inside the tomb. This will bring an arrow, which you can then collect. Put it back in the box by the Pyramid with the wolf heads.

You can transfer zombie souls into this box by killing about 20 of them. Once you've transferred enough souls, you can interact with it while wearing the Wrath of the Ancients bow to summon the wolf bow upgrade.

Der Eisendrache: The Best Way to Acquire the Void Bow

Creegakaleet lu Gosata'ahm

Using the Void Bow's 75 arrows in a non-charged shot triggers a tiny explosion, releasing a skull that can bite and devour two or three zombies. It's an intriguing weapon. How to achieve the charged shot, which uses two arrows and opens a doorway where a swarm of skulls devour zombies—much better!

After obtaining Wrath of the Ancients, players must proceed to the Gate Trap located in the Double Tap perk machine area. When you face the Gate Trap, look up straight ahead to see purple painted marks that you can shoot with your bow. The player can retrieve the shattered arrow after it has been shot.

Navigate the Courtyard to reach the Trophy Room, which is located beside the Clocktower. Once inside, head to the center of the room and look for a glowing purple tile.

In order to access the urn, players must first kill a zombie in a melee attack while standing immediately above it. You should aim for the early rounds or use a Bowie knife for the melee kill.

Now that the player has the urn in their inventory, they need to interact with the world and gather six Keeper skulls—these skulls will always be in the same spot:

  • Located on the church's windowsill, outside the stairs leading to Mission Control.
  • Midway between the Mule Kick chamber and the spawn room, you'll see a skull in the shattered wall.
  • You may find the Double Tap perk machine by glancing to the right, where there is a shattered wall.
  • On the left side of Samantha's toy chest in her room you can see a skull.
  • Once inside the teleporter room, face the device and look to your right for a skull resting on a sink.
  • To find the back of the truck in the launch room on the left, head to the Rocket Launch Pad area.

Bring six crawler zombies back to the Trophy Room and place them in the center of the glowing circle. Explosives like grenades make short work of this task. After feeding six souls to the urn, a demonic voice will utter three out of six words:


  • Front door
  • Griffin
  • Heart
  • Horn
  • Stag

Remembering the exact sequence of the three words is essential, but if you happen to forget one, don't worry—just fire the floating urn with your Wrath of the Ancients bow. The demonic voice will repeat the words for you.

In dem Bereich, der Samanthas Bereich mit dem Power Switch Room verbindet, stehen sechs Ritterstatuen, die die Spieler nun betreten müssen. Jedem von ihnen werden Tafeln mit Symbolen überreicht, die die Aussagen der dämonischen Stimme darstellen. Wenn der Spieler mit einer dieser Statuen interagiert, erscheint gelegentlich ein violettes Symbol, und er muss dies in der Reihenfolge der gesprochenen Zeilen tun. Die Spieler müssen sich die Reihenfolge dieser bestimmten Symbole für den nächsten Schritt merken.

Zombies stellen jetzt eine Bedrohung für Spieler dar, da sie Glyphen fallen lassen können, die als Power-Ups verwendet werden können. Sammle sie ein, indem du ihnen nachstellst, sobald sie erscheinen. Das Sammeln weiterer Glyphen hat keinen Einfluss auf die Mission; Spieler müssen nur die drei Glyphen haben, die zu ihren gesprochenen Sätzen passen. Kehre in den Trophäenraum zurück, nachdem du alle drei Symbole erhalten hast. Die beleuchteten Glyphen, die Spieler gesammelt haben, sind im Beschwörungskreis zu sehen. Damit der Wrath of the Ancients-Bogen violette Flammen aus seiner Mitte ausstößt und den feststehenden Pfeil freigibt, der aufgenommen werden muss, müssen Spieler die drei richtigen Glyphen in der angegebenen Reihenfolge abschießen.

Wenn Spieler bei der Reihenfolge der Glyphen einen Fehler machen, sollten sie den Raum einfach verlassen und zurückkehren, wenn sich die Schädel auf dem Beschwörungskreis beruhigt haben. Andernfalls wirbeln sie herum und versuchen, den Spieler zu verschlingen.

Gehen Sie zurück in den Unterbau und öffnen Sie die Kiste bei der Pyramide – die mit den violetten Totenkopfgravuren – die dem Pfeil entspricht. Holen Sie sich den Void Bow, indem Sie mit der Kiste interagieren, sobald Sie 20 Zombies in der Gegend getötet haben.

Damit kommen wir zum Ende dieses erklärenden Leitfadens. Jetzt wissen Sie, wie Sie in Black Ops 3 Zombies alle Bögen erhalten und aufrüsten. Tun Sie es einfach und genießen Sie es in vollen Zügen.

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