So erhalten Sie organisches Polymer in ARK Survival Evolved
durch 2024-10-30 20:46:04 Deutsch Unser heutiger Leitfaden erklärt Ihnen, wie Sie organisches Polymer in ARK Survival Evolved erhalten.
In ARK: Survival Evolved sollten Spieler versuchen, organisches Polymer zu erhalten, wenn sie Probleme haben, normales Polymer zu erhalten. Mit nur wenigen kleinen Einschränkungen kann organisches Polymer in fast allen Anwendungen normales Polymer ersetzen.
Kooperation, Wettbewerb oder eine Mischung aus beidem ist in diesen Überlebensspielen möglich.
Es wird jedoch einige Unterschiede beim Sammeln und Verwenden von organischem Polymer in ARK: Survival Evolved geben, daher sollten Spieler, die sich mit dieser Ressource eindecken möchten, eigene Nachforschungen anstellen und experimentieren.
Zuletzt aktualisiert von Rhenn Taguiam am 27. Oktober 2024: Wenn Sie ein Fan von ARK: Survival Evolved sind und nach einer Möglichkeit suchen, Ihr Survival-Gameplay aufzupeppen, sollten Sie sich das Fear Ascended-Event im Jahr 2024 ansehen. Es steht im Zeichen von Halloween und bietet Spielern neue Skins, Emotes und sogar zähmbare Kreaturen, die ihnen beim Kampf ums Überleben Angst einjagen sollen. Wenn Sie Ihr ARK: Survival Evolved-Gameplay verbessern möchten, sollten Sie sich ansehen, was organisches Polymer für Ihr Handwerk tun kann. Spieler können langfristig von einigen Dingen aus organischem Polymer profitieren, obwohl es eine anständige Komponente für die Herstellung mächtiger Gegenstände sein kann.
Wie erhält man organisches Polymer in ARK Survival Evolved?
Eine gute Alternative zu herkömmlichen Polymeren: Organische Polymere
- Rarität: Als ungewöhnlich eingestuft
- Haltbarkeit: Besitzt unendliche Haltbarkeit
- Entflammbarkeit: Nicht brennbar, feuerbeständig
- Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit: Der Verzehr führt zu einer erheblichen Gesundheitsreduzierung von 500 HP
- Masse: Leichtgewicht, wiegt nur 0,25 Einheiten
- Lagerkapazität: Bis zu 20 Stück stapelbar (10 bei mobilen Varianten)
- Verderblichkeit: Verderblich, mit einer Haltbarkeit von 30 Minuten, bevor es verdirbt
- Einführung: Eingeführt im Update Version 223.0
Angesichts des ressourcenintensiven Gameplays dürfte es keine Überraschung sein, dass organisches Polymer als natürliche Alternative zu Polymer in ARK: Survival Evolved aufgenommen wurde. Seine Hauptfunktion ist die Verwendung als Komponente beim Crafting, insbesondere für alle auf Polymer basierenden Crafting-Produkte.
Da es natürlich vorkommt, können Spieler, die mit der richtigen Art und den richtigen Werkzeugen vertraut sind, leicht an organisches Polymer gelangen. Darüber hinaus haben sie die Möglichkeit, ihre Sechsecke an der Sechseckbörse gegen organisches Polymer einzutauschen. Für 500 Sechsecke können sie diese gegen 5 Stücke organisches Polymer eintauschen.
Verschiedene natürliche Quellen für die effiziente Gewinnung organischer Polymere
Since organic polymers occur naturally, there are many different tools and procedures that can be used to gather them. The following options may be available to the player for obtaining Organic Polymer, depending on their preference:
To begin collecting Organic Polymer, players must use certain Tools on various creatures:
Chainsaw (Earth Burning)
- Dire Bear: Situated near the map's center, this formidable beast poses little danger until players approach it closely.
- Because of its placid nature, the pelagornis will take flight if threatened.
- Sabertooth: These incredibly swift and challenging to outrun beasts are typically found in the northern region of the island. Players should take cover on higher ground when engaging them.
- Thylacoleo: If you discover one near a redwood tree, be prepared for an aggressive encounter; they will nearly always fight players who are attempting to tame them.
The Wooden Club
- Direwolf: Direwolves commonly travel in packs when encountered in the game's cold areas. You should approach them cautiously.
- Despite its herbivorous diet, the theriznosaur is a formidable island predator, rivaling the Spino and Rex in terms of power. As soon as they feel threatened, they charge toward the player and their ride, inflicting damage with a single strike.
- Mantis: They're more effective when battled in groups, and gathering them after death yields more Organic Polymer than gathering them while alive.
Players can let their non-human partners to assist in gathering resources by letting them explore, forage, hunt, and gather resources on their own, thanks to the AI of many creatures. Just remember to periodically check their inventory in order to get the goodies. Organic polymer can be harvested by the following animals:
The kairuku is a penguin-like creature that is tame and looks like a bird. They tend to congregate around the arctic coast in the north-west corner of The Island.
Even bands of trained survivors are no match for the enormous monstrosity that is Karkinos. Stay out of its line of sight because it may paralyze and pulverize players to the ground with a single grip. If you fight the Karkinos near water, it might accidentally drown you because of this attack.
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- Hesperornis: Can be found on most game maps; they look like a cross between a duck and a goose. They are easy prey because they inhabit rivers and other bodies of water.
- Scorched Earth, Ragnarok, Valguero, Crystal Isles, and Lost Island are common places to find Mantis, which look similar to the regular kind. Because of their lethal pack dynamics, their pounce assault poses a significant threat in close quarters combat.
Taking Disposal of the Deathworm
In addition to organic polymer, players can earn it by destroying deathworms in Lost Island, Ragnarok, and Scorched Earth. Players should form teams to take turns distracting and assaulting them because they are hard to see and quite large. Because of how quickly the Deathworm moves, it is risky to try to battle it on foot. A swift mount is your best bet in this situation.
Eliminate Anything Made of Polymer
Players can recycle their old, unused things by throwing them into an Industrial Grinder, which can break down any object composed of normal Polymer into Organic Polymer.
Top Advice for Growing Organic Polymers
The first two methods of getting Organic Polymer are the most common and easy, but the third and fourth could produce far more of the resource, though in riskier circumstances.
The Aberration and Valguero White Plant Harvest
Gathering the huge white blossoms from these plants will provide a respectable amount of Organic Polymer every time. Players don't need any special instruments to harvest these plants; all they have to do is approach one and take it. Although you can also find these white plants in Valguero, they are more easily seen in the dark and mucky Aberration.
Collect Bee Cave Structures
A comparable agricultural accomplishment can be accomplished in a Bee Cave, which is arguably more perilous but potentially more lucrative. In a Bee Cave, players can find Organic Polymer in abundance among the various structures, but they'll need a tool to extract it from the honey waves. Players will require a chainsaw, sword, or wooden bat to extract organic polymer from corpses, just like in the real world. On the other hand, it's worth noting that domesticated monsters like Doedicurus or Magmasaur can be rather good at getting hundreds of Organic Polymer per minute from the Bee Cave's structures.
A Reasonable Alternative to Polymers in Crafting Dynamics
Like I said before, if players are having trouble making Polymer for their Crafting needs, Organic Polymer can be a good option. Nevertheless, players should be mindful of certain item interactions prior to gathering Organic Polymer for their Crafting necessities:
- Organic polymer, whether found in nature or harvested from living beings, has a 30-minute spoilage window after acquisition. The spoilage time is extended to 1 hour and 30 minutes if it is left inside the Achatina. So that their Crafting efforts don't go to waste, players should use the Organic Polymer promptly.
- for employing the Fabricator and the Tek Replicator, it is still recommended to consume Polymer before Organic Polymer for crafting. It is recommended that players refrain from carrying any polymer if they wish to eat just organic polymer.
Appropriate Trades
There are approximately 155 different item parts in the whole game that require Polymer, and you can make everything you want using Organic Polymer. The following items stand out among these craftable gear options:
- Common explosives like the C4 Charge and the Remote Detonator, when used properly, may do a ton of damage in the game.
- Using Shards, you can clone creatures of all kinds and levels in the Cloning Chamber, an endgame utility.
- Cryopod: When not in use, these can be utilized to freeze and store tamed creatures.
- The player's exact position on the island can be determined with the use of this high-tech navigational item: the GPS.
- Endgame Hazard Suit Armor: This radiation-protecting suit is exclusive to the Aberration map.
As a late-game armor set, Riot Armor offers heavy-duty protection at the cost of increased heat, with a maximum of 575 Armor per set.
When you're among a group of buddies, you're more likely to survive dangerous weather or monsters that prey on humans.
- The Tek Tier is an end-game item tier where you can make and use a variety of goods after fighting bosses. In order to survive against more difficult enemies, players often rely on Tek equipment, gear, and items, which are part of the late-game tier.
- Settlements in the game rely on turrets, which come in several types, as its main automated defense mechanism.
- With a capacity of up to 350 stacks, the Vault is an essential piece of storage equipment for gamers.
Unique Beadwork
Organic polymer is not only a great alternative to regular polymer, but it is also the only substance that can be used to make these things:
Dragon Armor
An actual piece of camouflage apparel meant to assist its wearer "blend in" to their surroundings, the Ghillie suit serves as inspiration for the Ghillie Armor. To achieve this effect, the armour is covered with a combination of burlap, twine, and fabric designed to seem like leaves and twigs. The full suit offers decent protection in ARK: Survival Revolved, with 160 Armor, the ability to lower adversaries' visibility range by 50%, 155 Heat Protection, and 24 Cold Protection. To complete a set, you'll need:
- Natural Polymer (Primitive Plus Feathers Number 26)
- 18 Stimulant
- 40 Cover
Mobile Frog Feet
You can make Frog Feet from Frog Legs in the mobile version of ARK: Survival Evolved. A player's swimming speed and overall jump height can be enhanced with the Frog Feet, just like with the Scuba Flippers. The following are need to make Frog Feet in the mobile game:
- a blend of 30
- Legs of a frog
- 45 Disguise
- 30 grams of fiber
The Suicide Pill—Not for Human Consumption
No matter how organic it is, players of ARK: Survival Evolved should never ingest Organic Polymer. Consuming Organic Polymer will instantly kill the majority of players due to the 500 damage it deals.
Aus diesem Grund verwenden Spieler organisches Polymer häufig als „Selbstmordpille“. Aus diesem Grund sollten Spieler niemals organisches Polymer einnehmen. Andernfalls verlieren sie alle Fortschritte in ARK: Survival Evolved und müssen von vorne beginnen. Aus irgendeinem Grund machen sich Trolle gerne über Spieler lustig, die organisches Polymer essen, und behaupten, es verleihe ihnen einen „besonderen Status“ – ein Vorteil, von dem unerfahrene Spieler nicht immer wissen, dass er ihren Charakter sofort töten und seine Entwicklung stoppen kann.
Dies ist alles, was Sie zum Thema „So erhalten Sie organisches Polymer in ARK Survival Evolved“ wissen müssen. Folgen Sie unseren Schritten, um Ihre Suche zu beschleunigen.
Plattform(s): Linux, Microsoft Windows PC, OS X, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 PS4, Nintendo Switch, Android. iOS
Entwickelt von: Studio Wildcard, Instinct Games, Efecto Studios
Im Vertrieb von: Studio Wildcard, Humble Store, Steam, Epic Games Store, Nintendo eShop
Genero(s): Action-Adventure, Survival
Modus: Einzelspieler, Mehrspieler
Alterseinstufung (PEGI): 16+
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