So aktualisieren Sie Ihre Waffen in Saints Row

durch 2022-08-26 08:27:54

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Betreten Sie das Universum von Saints Row, denn heute werden wir Ihnen sagen, So aktualisieren Waffen Saints Row verbessern können.

Was ist über Waffen in Saints Row zu wissen?

Wir werden ein wichtiges Waffenarsenal finden, das für jede Situation bemerkenswert sein kann. Es ist möglich, sie anzupassen und zu aktualisieren, was einige wichtige Vorteile bietet, nur dass wir versuchen müssen, zu wissen, wie Sie Ihre Waffen in Saints Row verbessern können, wenn es angebracht ist, seien Sie nah dran an den Details, die uns im folgenden Inhalt präsentiert werden, mal sehen.

Wie kann man seine Waffen in Saints Row verbessern?

Lesen Sie auch:

In the installments prior to this, it was enough to have money to buy the updates, while this one is related to some special mechanics, in terms of How to improve your weapons in Saints Row we have that when we complete the prologue we start unlocking weapons, while the updates do not will be available, it is necessary to reach level 5 to unlock this option to improve our weapons, we are presented with a tutorial with this, we must go to a Friendly Fire store, here we can buy weapons, activate skills, customize and update, to We can do each weapon 3 times, this requires money and experience.

Depending on our character, each level for updates with level 5 will be unlocked, reaching level 10 we have the second of the updates, with 15 the last level to update, we get a great boost for the different statistics of the weapons, reaching be different depending on the weapon, for level 1 the upgrade cost is 5,000, at level 2 it is $25,000 and for level 3 we have to count $50,000, we will get to accumulate a weapon signature ability, being something exclusive that we can have unlocked by completing a specific weapon challenge, commercial companies will help us save money.

This is how we end our guide on How to improve your weapons in Saints Row, hoping that you can get the most out of this great game option for your progress and performance.

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Deep Silver
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23. August 2022
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