Lidia Rozo
2023-09-29 01:59:20

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Discover How to Connect to the Access Point in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty. Step-by-step tutorials for serious gamers!

In the sprawling city of Night City, hacking and manipulating technology is an essential skill for survival. In the exhilarating world of Cyberpunk 2077, players find themselves immersed in a dystopian future where every move can mean life or death. One such mission, Phantom Liberty, presents players with the challenge of hacking a surveillance drone in a heavily guarded restaurant. To successfully accomplish this task, the first step is to connect to an access point in the restaurant's kitchen using a computer. In this guide, we will walk you through the process, offering helpful tips and strategies along the way.

Section 1: Connecting to the Access Point

To begin the mission, players must locate the access point in the kitchen. As you enter the kitchen, keep an eye out for a computer terminal tucked away in a corner. Interact with the computer to gain access to the surveillance footage of the restaurant.

Once you have accessed the surveillance system, you will be presented with a network of cameras throughout the restaurant. Use the controls to navigate through the feeds and find the surveillance drone. It is crucial to locate the drone's IP address, as it will be needed later to hack into it. Take note of this information for future use.

While interacting with the computer, be mindful of your surroundings. Remaining undetected is vital for a successful mission. Keep an eye out for any approaching enemies and remember to move swiftly and silently.

Section 2: Stealthily Taking Down Enemies

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In the next phase of the mission, players must navigate through the restaurant while stealthily taking down enemies. Ten adversaries stand between you and the surveillance drone. To ensure a smooth and successful approach, follow these strategies:

1. Sneak behind the first two enemies: As you move through the restaurant, you will encounter the first two enemies near the entrance. Approach them from behind, utilizing the cover provided by the restaurant layout. Take them down silently by performing a takedown or using non-lethal weapons.

2. Dealing with enemies near arcade machines: Proceeding further into the restaurant, you will come across five enemies engaged in arcade games. Use the various structures and objects in the environment as cover while you carefully approach them. Wait for an opportunity when their attention is diverted, then take them down swiftly and quietly.

Maintaining stealth throughout these encounters is crucial. Triggering an alarm or alerting enemies can result in reinforcements being called, making your mission even more challenging. Make use of quick saves to ensure that any mistakes can be corrected without starting from scratch.

Section 3: Taking Control of the Barghest Car

After successfully neutralizing the threats, the next step is to seize control of the Barghest Car, which will aid in safely transporting Myers. Sneak up behind a soldier positioned near the vehicle and carefully approach its left side. Hug the car, remaining undetected as you hack into its system.

This step may present some challenges, as other enemies could be patrolling nearby. Stay vigilant and be prepared to take them down quickly and silently if necessary. Timing and patience are key to successfully hijacking the vehicle without attracting unwanted attention.

Section 4: Escorting Myers Safely

With the Barghest Car under your control, it is time to escort Myers to safety. Maneuver through the patrols and navigate the narrow streets of Night City, ensuring you remain undetected. Follow these directions to safely reach the garage:

1. Use the minimap: Keep a close eye on the minimap, which displays the positions of enemy patrols. Plan your route accordingly, avoiding direct confrontation whenever possible.

2. Utilize the environment: Take advantage of the city's architecture and use it to your advantage. Seek cover behind buildings, dumpsters, and vehicles to remain concealed and avoid detection.

3. Stay alert: As you make your way through the city, remain vigilant for any possible threats. Be prepared to take evasive action or engage enemies if necessary.

Connecting to the access point and completing the Phantom Liberty mission in Cyberpunk 2077 requires precision, stealth, and quick thinking. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can navigate the challenges presented in the mission successfully. Remember to remain patient and practice the skills necessary to become a master hacker in Night City. With determination and persistence, you will conquer any obstacle that Cyberpunk 2077 throws your way. Good luck, and may the cybernetic gods be with you!

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CD Projekt RED
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December 10, 2020
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