Angel Marquez
2024-06-20 08:04:06

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You are welcome to have our explanatory guide on How to get Peach Blossom Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom? in a precise form.

Peach Blossom Cookie joins the game with the 19th birthday card and benefits from any team composition that is one, and it is a team that has been ejected into a game composition that requires constant healing or a DPS-centered team composition that is required. survive. a possible cercano attack. Furthermore, there is a large cantidad of desventajas and other effects for our enemies, which will cause them to intensify their attacks. If this is the new recipe to combine with your collection of cookies, you will most likely see Peach Blossom Cookie in Cookie Run: The Monarchy.

How to get Peach Blossom Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom?

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Please note that Peach Blossom Cookie does not belong to the owner even though it is parchment, it can be placed in various pancartas. For example, you can find it in the typical game, the most recent Nether-Gacha: Light of True Resolution, or the new special Gacha of Fate. Without embargo, your stone has a probability of 0.097% and its probability of 0.017%. As a result, to obtain your galleta, which will cost 3000 gems for extraction, you will tend to hate many gems.

Galleta de flor de durazno: capacity and ubiquity

In the central rack, you will normally encounter Peach Blossom Cookie to attach to your team. Your ability to make cakes is Heavenly Fruit, which llama has a melocotonero to cure all you need at regular intervals. The Peach Bao fruits are also produced to help the cake keep its HP low at the moment of launch. Los aliados reciben celestial fruits to increase their resistance to damage, resistance to descents, resistance to apathy and wind resistance to damage and attack when they are damaged by damage based on apathy. Sin embargo, Unripe Peach Baos will attack enemies, causing damage and reducing the speed of attack and movement.

In conclusion, we recommend that the long-term flower cake is interesting because it allows us to engage and entertain our friends in this interesting and movie game.

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