Lidia Rozo
2023-08-10 08:07:27

Learn How to Fix Baldur’s Gate 3 Party Members Not Following you with this easy step-by-step guide.

Baldur's Gate 3 is an immersive and exciting RPG where you embark on an epic adventure with a party of diverse characters. However, sometimes you may encounter a frustrating issue where party members refuse to follow your commands. In this blog post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to fix Baldur's Gate 3 party members not following, so you can get back to enjoying the game without any hindrances.

Splitting Party Members

  •  Step-by-step guide on how to split a party member from the group: One possible reason why your party members may not be following you is if they have been split from the group. To resolve this issue, you need to know how to split and reunite party members effectively. We will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to split a party member from the group, emphasizing the use of the party-management bar and interacting with portraits.
  • Emphasize the use of the party-management bar and interacting with portraits: The party-management bar is a crucial tool for managing your party members in Baldur's Gate 3. We will explain how to effectively use the party-management bar and interact with the portraits of your party members. Understanding these mechanics will help you regain control over your party and ensure they follow your commands.
  •  Highlight the benefits of splitting party members: While having your party members stick together is generally ideal, there are situations where splitting them up can be beneficial. We will highlight the advantages of splitting party members and provide examples of when it can be advantageous to do so. By understanding the benefits, you can make strategic decisions on when to split your party to maximize your chances of success.

Managing Party Members

Read Also:

  •  Discuss the importance of managing party members for leveling up and examining stats: Managing your party members is not only essential for ensuring they follow you but also for leveling up and examining their stats. We will discuss the importance of actively managing your party members and explain how it directly affects their growth and performance in the game. By understanding this, you will realize the significance of resolving the issue of party members not following.
  • Provide instructions on how to perform essential activities using the portraits on the party-management bar: The portraits on the party-management bar provide various options for interacting with your party members. We will provide clear instructions on how to perform essential activities using the portraits, such as changing equipment, assigning skills, and giving orders. These instructions will empower you to effectively manage your party members and resolve any issues related to them not following.

Bringing Back Stray Members

  • Explain the process of bringing stray party members back into the group: Occasionally, party members may get separated from the group and wander off on their own. This can be frustrating, especially when they refuse to rejoin the party. We will explain the process of bringing stray party members back into the group, including how to locate them and convince them to rejoin your party.
  • Offer tips on avoiding accidentally ordering party members to hold a position: Accidentally ordering party members to hold a position is a common mistake that can lead to them not following your commands. We will offer useful tips on how to avoid accidentally ordering party members to hold a position, preventing potential issues and keeping your party together.
  • Provide a guide on how to re-follow a party member if they are accidentally ordered to hold a position: If you have accidentally ordered a party member to hold a position and they are not following you anymore, don't worry! We will provide you with a guide on how to re-follow a party member if they are accidentally ordered to hold a position. By following our instructions, you will be able to quickly rectify the situation and have your party member back by your side.

Dealing with party members not following can be frustrating, but with the information and guidance provided in this blog post, you will be equipped to resolve the issue and get back to enjoying Baldur's Gate 3 to its fullest. By understanding how to split and manage party members, as well as how to bring stray members back into the group, you will have complete control over your party and ensure they follow your every command. Now, go forth and conquer the world of Baldur's Gate!

Microsoft Windows PC, Stadia, macOS
Larian Studios
Larian Studios
Release date:
6 October 2020
Single-player, multiplayer
age rating (PEGI):

Other Tags
video game, gameplay, price, 60fps, steam

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